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meal - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of meal in Hindi

  • भोजन
  • खाद्य
  • जितना दूध गाय एक बार देती है
  • पिसान
  • आहार का समय
  • आटा

meal Definition

  • the edible part of any grain or pulse ground to powder, such as cornmeal. ( किसी भी अनाज या दाल जमीन का पाउडर, जैसे कॉर्नमील का खाद्य भाग। )
  • any of the regular occasions in a day when a reasonably large amount of food is eaten, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. ( एक दिन में नियमित रूप से किसी भी समय जब भोजन की एक बड़ी मात्रा में खाया जाता है, जैसे कि नाश्ता, दोपहर का भोजन या रात का खाना। )

meal Example

  • It's a key producer of lysine, a feed additive derived from amino acids that is mixed with corn and soybean meal to fatten up livestock. ( यह लाइसिन का एक प्रमुख उत्पादक है, एक फ़ीड योज्य है जो अमीनो एसिड से प्राप्त होता है जो कि मवेशियों और सोयाबीन भोजन के साथ मिश्रित होता है ताकि पशुधन को बढ़ावा दिया जा सके। )
  • The weary traveller can relax here on a shady terrace with a light meal and refreshments. ( थके हुए यात्री हल्के भोजन और जलपान के साथ एक छायादार छत पर यहाँ आराम कर सकते हैं। )
  • After the evening meal , the crowd slowly migrated back towards the Grand Hall. ( शाम के भोजन के बाद, भीड़ धीरे-धीरे ग्रैंड हॉल की ओर वापस चली गई। )
  • He had fixed a fine meal of beef, potatoes, carrots and onions, and the men were lining up eagerly, plates in one hand and coffee mugs in the other. ( उसने गोमांस, आलू, गाजर और प्याज का बढ़िया भोजन तय किया था, और आदमी उत्सुकता से, एक हाथ में प्लेटें और दूसरे हाथ में कॉफी मग ले रहे थे। )
  • the evening meal ( शाम का भोजन )
  • In July 1988, Britain banned the feeding of cattle with meal containing the ground-up remains of cows, in order to halt the spread of BSE. ( जुलाई 1988 में, बीएसई के प्रसार को रोकने के लिए, ब्रिटेन ने गायों के भू-अवशेष वाले भोजन के साथ मवेशियों को खिलाने पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया। )
  • Dan nodded, pleasantly, and tucked into his meal of potatoes, roast beef, and vegetables. ( डैन ने सिर हिलाया, खुशी से, और आलू, रोस्ट बीफ और सब्जियों के अपने भोजन में टक। )
  • They stopped at noon for a small meal of bread and cheese. ( रोटी और पनीर के छोटे भोजन के लिए वे दोपहर को रुक गए। )
  • She walked into a small bar and ordered a light meal . ( वह एक छोटे से बार में चली गई और उसने हल्का खाना ऑर्डर किया। )
  • four-course meal ( चार कोर्स भोजन )

More Sentence

  • After the evening meal , he and his friends turned over their food bowls to make drums.
  • The examples compare corn silage to alfalfa hay, ‘normal’ silage, and corn grain plus soybean meal .
  • meal allowance
  • He was more inclined to cook his own meal than order one from some fast food place.
  • she ate a delicious meal
  • You can try adding the medicine to a small amount of food and giving it to your cat before her regular meal .
  • evening meal
  • The only problem is, South American soybean meal tends to have less protein, so the African farmer often has to purchase feed additives.
  • As usual, the meal was cooked to perfection but I didn't feel hungry.
  • Her mother had mentioned earlier that her family would be joined by a few guests in her parents' apartments for the evening meal .
  • Soybean meal , milk protein and alfalfa are feed ingredients high in lysine.
  • The processors were concerned that between 3,500 and 4,000 tonnes of Zimbabwean soya bean meal was destined for Zambia.
  • Then quickly she went back to cleaning up the mess while the meal cooked.
  • Here, cooks will prepare a light meal of mixed salad, tinned cold fish or meat, bread and cheese and fruit.
  • His vision was to find ways to use soybean oil and meal in parts for his automobiles.
  • While U.S. soybean meal exports to Mexico have been smaller than soybean exports, trade in soybean meal has started to grow very rapidly.
  • a perfectly cooked meal
  • During the evening meal at his family dwelling, Jonas hesitatingly asks his parents if they love him.
  • This includes an evening meal and breakfast on both mornings.
  • She presented the garments to everyone at their evening meal , and everyone gratefully thanked her.