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maintain - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of maintain in Hindi

  • बनाए रखने के
  • संधारण करना
  • अनुरक्षण करना
  • पोषण करना, ख़र्च उठाना


  • रखना
  • बनाये रखना
  • संभालना
  • क़ायम रखना
  • मदद देना
  • थामना
  • परवरिश करना
  • आग्रह करना
  • भरण-पोषण करना
  • ज़िद करना

maintain Definition


  • cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue.
  • provide with necessities for life or existence.
  • state something strongly to be the case; assert.

maintain Example

  • The need to maintain close links between industry and schools ( उद्योग और स्कूलों के बीच घनिष्ठ संबंध बनाए रखने की आवश्यकता )
  • He was trying to maintain a balance between taking care of business and her happiness. ( वह व्यापार की देखभाल और उसकी खुशी के बीच संतुलन बनाए रखने की कोशिश कर रहा था। )
  • I want to maintain my current income, but to do that I must keep working the same hours that I do now. ( मैं अपनी वर्तमान आय को बनाए रखना चाहता हूं, लेकिन ऐसा करने के लिए मुझे वही घंटे काम करते रहना चाहिए जो मैं अभी करता हूं। )
  • It is easy to maintain a friendship with someone, but very difficult to take that friendship to the next level of love. ( किसी के साथ दोस्ती निभाना आसान है, लेकिन उस दोस्ती को प्यार के अगले स्तर तक ले जाना बहुत मुश्किल है। )

More Sentence

  • Standing her ground was the only way to maintain control.
  • Of course, they can't maintain that for a long stretch.
  • He'll have to trust you to maintain absolute secrecy.
  • We might wipe out the threat to the north and maintain that route, but it would take away from defenses elsewhere.
  • To maintain our operations, three more.
  • Desperate to maintain her position as her people's protector and outlive those threats hedging closer, she washed her face and changed clothing to prepare for her return journey.
  • Wickland took a deep breath to maintain his calm.
  • It will help you maintain a clearer perspective.
  • To stretch or maintain length of the hip flexors.
  • But even they couldn’t maintain a relationship.
  • It was necessary for a President to maintain 52.
  • Forcing herself to maintain a stately walk, she.
  • Well, naturally, it's to maintain the traditions.
  • SSRIs help the body maintain a healthy level of.
  • Turn right heading 278, maintain rate of descent.
  • Diane struggles to maintain her new weight, has.
  • We, that are alive, and maintain the process of.
  • While there was a feeling of last-guy-in-turn-off-the-elevator, the Deans reluctantly agreed that some form of management was necessary to maintain order in the face of the ever-increasing numbers who wallowed in nature's wonders.
  • Howie didn't like the arrangement but realized we couldn't commute back and forth every weekend and maintain a life.
  • While we reveled in our triumphs, we knew in our hearts we couldn't maintain our present pace.
  • The king swears he will maintain the laws of God