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lust - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of lust in Hindi


  • अभिलाषा
  • लालसा
  • आग
  • उत्कट इच्छा
  • काम-वासना
  • हवस
  • काम
  • विषय-लोलुपता


  • तीव्र लालसा करना

lust Definition


very strong sexual desire. ( बहुत मजबूत यौन इच्छा। )


have a very strong sexual desire for someone. ( किसी के लिए बहुत मजबूत यौन इच्छा है। )

lust Example

  • Here's how to turn up the heat in your career, relationships, hobbies and health so that you can live with more passion - and develop a true lust for life! ( यहां बताया गया है कि अपने करियर, रिश्तों, शौक और स्वास्थ्य में गर्मी को कैसे बढ़ाया जाए ताकि आप अधिक जुनून के साथ जी सकें - और जीवन के लिए एक सच्ची वासना विकसित कर सकें! )
  • Being a passionate bloke, Anderson has a lust for the game like few others. ( एक भावुक होने के कारण, एंडरसन को कुछ अन्य लोगों की तरह खेल की लालसा है। )
  • Conversely, my usual lust for Colin Firth was wholly overwhelmed by longing just to be walking the same London streets. ( इसके विपरीत, कॉलिन फर्थ के लिए मेरी सामान्य वासना पूरी तरह से लंदन की सड़कों पर चलने की लालसा से अभिभूत थी। )

More Sentence

  • Now its pretty obvious to the average observer of this species that lurking just below the surface of an insatiable lust for money is malice.
  • Last Saturday night, witnesses said, men armed with wood planks, iron rail spikes and a lust for revenge battered down the club's steel doors.
  • Who but the gay friend can provide a nineties woman with all of these things, precisely because he is able to rise above trivial sexual lust ?
  • As a result of interviewing many women, Dr. Ogden learned that sexual desire, or lust , was produced by much more than physical stimulation.
  • I have a serious lust for well prepared ahi tuna.
  • Looking at it rationally (i.e., setting aside the lust for something shiny and new), we have a great house, and the only thing we lack is a bit more space.
  • a lust for power
  • Genghis Khan was a mass murderer who, so far as one can see, was driven by a pure lust for power and a desire to see others terrified of him.
  • It sparked to life in the second act, when the symbolism gave way to themes of lust and sexual temptation.
  • What you feel when working with them is a sense of intellectual curiosity; a passion to know more; a lust for creative problem solving.
  • ‘I sought the life force blood of Zurvan Akarana out of a lust for greed,’ said Shiva.
  • I could imagine his voice as a braying bull violent in its sexual lust intoning orders for bullishness.
  • Today, the prophets would once again see truth and justice shackled with chains, enslaved by selfishness and the lust for power and empire.
  • They were motivated by greed and the lust for murder.
  • So by the end of camp I actually learned how to bowl and my lust for Jane suddenly took a backseat to the dream of going ‘pro.’
  • The former indicates a commitment to communal happiness, and in fact solar glory, while the latter embodies mere private greed and the lust for lucre.
  • A woman talks about her sexual experiences, her lust for celebrities and the self-discoveries inherent in simply living life.
  • he knew that his lust for her had returned
  • Sometimes, his poems of sexual love and lust simply give accurate portraits of his roving eye.
  • The first deals with the carnal desires and sexual lust of the players.
  • You abused them sexually for what must have been your sexual lust under cover of medical examination.
  • This is not, however, a movie about the ills of society - it is a beautiful, touching, funny and satirical film about a lust for life that's infectious.
  • Becoming Sharp thematically focuses on ambition, jealousy and the lust for fame at any cost.
  • This can lead to a warped view of women as sexual objects of lust and desire and not much else.
  • And for a would-be monk, the most potent and dangerous form of desire is lust for a woman.
  • I declared my undying and eternal lust for a handful people on about as many pages, or the same people repeatedly in a series of postscripts, announced and denounced.
  • His blood lust is of a piece with his sexual lust .