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locust swarms - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of locust swarms in Hindi

  • टिड्डी दलदल
  • टिड्डी झुण्ड
  • टिड्डी जमघट

locust swarms Definition

  • swarm of locust
  • large number of locust

locust swarms Example

  • The huge locust swarms, which appeared in the skies of Jaipur on Monday, were killed in Rajasthan's Dausa district on Tuesday with the spray
  • All such arrangements have been made in the district, if locust swarms attack we will be ready for it,
  • Locust swarms are typically in motion and can cover vast distances—some species may travel 81 miles or more a day. They can stay in the air for long periods, regularly taking nonstop trips across the Red Sea.
  • Gigantic new locust swarms hit East Africa. New invasions are hitting just as growing season gets underway, threatening millions with hunger.