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laundry - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of laundry in Hindi

  • धोबीघर
  •  लॉन्ड्री
  • धुलाईघर
  • लाण्ड्री
  • कपड़ा धोने का स्थान
  • धोबीखाना
  • धुले कपड़े
  • लांड्री

laundry Definition


  • clothes and linens that need to be washed or that have been newly washed.
  • a room in a house, hotel, or institution where clothes and linens can be washed and ironed.

laundry Example

  • piles of laundry (कपड़े धोने के ढेर )
  • The formula is good for household use as a scent refresher, to wipe down kitchen counters, or even in laundry. (यह फार्मूला घरेलू उपयोग के लिए सुगंधित पुनश्चर्या के रूप में, रसोई काउंटरों को पोंछने के लिए, या यहां तक ​​कि कपड़े धोने में भी अच्छा है। )
  • lots of people send their sheets to a laundry these days ( बहुत से लोग इन दिनों अपनी चादरें कपड़े धोने के लिए भेजते हैं )
  • Are there any detergents in the laundry? ( क्या कपड़े धोने में कोई डिटर्जेंट है? )
  • I spent most of my weekend doing laundry ( मैंने अपना अधिकांश सप्ताहांत कपड़े धोने में बिताया )
  • She scooted her chair back without responding and went to the laundry room where the pie was cooling. ( उसने बिना कोई जवाब दिए अपनी कुर्सी पीछे कर ली और कपड़े धोने के कमरे में चली गई जहाँ पाई ठंडी थी। )
  • Is my laundry ready? ( क्या मेरी लॉन्ड्री तैयार है? )

More Sentence

  • Where should I put my laundry?
  • The laundry did my shirts up.
  • The laundry soured before if was ironed.
  • The new machine even weighs the laundry before the cycle to determine how much water is needed for the size of the load.
  • There's a lot of laundry in the basket.
  • A priest, " master of the wardrobe," is named as early as the VIth Dynasty, and later texts refer to the weavers and laundry servants of the temple.
  • As a young girl, Arlene Juanico would rush to gather the laundry before the explosions started.
  • The hotel offers a free laundry service.
  • She wrung the water out of his shirt and walked down the hallway towards the laundry room.
  • Did you do the laundry today?
  • He worked in the laundry at Oxford prison.
  • I've already done three loads of laundry this morning.
  • the pathology department was in the hospital basement, next to the laundry
  • she went outside to hang some laundry on the line
  • I talked her into letting me help Ben with the rest of the laundry
  • The freshest of all scents, if it exists, is definitely not laundry soap.
  • a laundry van