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lactose - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of lactose in Hindi

  • लैक्टोज
  • दुग्ध शर्करा
  • दूध की चीनी

lactose Definition


  • a sugar present in milk. It is a disaccharide containing glucose and galactose units.

lactose Example

  • 'In chemical constitution it consists of an emulsion of fatty globules (cream) in a watery alkaline solution of casein, and a variety of sugar, peculiar to milk, called lactose. ( 'रासायनिक संरचना में इसमें कैसिइन के पानी वाले क्षारीय घोल में वसायुक्त ग्लोब्यूल्स (क्रीम) का पायस होता है, और विभिन्न प्रकार की चीनी, दूध के लिए विशिष्ट होती है, जिसे लैक्टोज कहा जाता है। )
  • In addition, the company is a global leader in the production of whey protein and lactose powders.  ( इसके अलावा, कंपनी व्हे प्रोटीन और लैक्टोज पाउडर के उत्पादन में एक वैश्विक नेता है। )  
  • Several physiologically important disaccharides are sucrose, lactose and maltose. ( कई शारीरिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण डिसैकराइड सुक्रोज, लैक्टोज और माल्टोज हैं। )
  • After all, lactose is from the same general family as sucrose, the table sugar we use to sweeten coffee and tea.  ( आखिरकार, लैक्टोज एक ही सामान्य परिवार से सुक्रोज के रूप में है, टेबल चीनी हम कॉफी और चाय को मीठा करने के लिए उपयोग करते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • A reducing sugar, like lactose, is one which will chemically reduce the blue cupric ions of Benedict's solution to cuprous ions.
  • The symptoms are similar to lactose intolerance but can also include bronchospasm, itching, hives, shock or hypertension.
  • Lactase tablets taken with any food containing lactose may also help.
  • It says about 15 percent of all whites are lactose intolerant.
  • Calcium deficiency is a much more important problem than lactose intolerance,
  • Lactose intolerance is least common among people of northern European heritage.
  • Vegans, vegetarians and the lactose-intolerant are not ignored.
  • About three-quarters of people worldwide, are lactose intolerant
  • A number of the strains that survived several treatments were cultivated in lactose broth and the acidity determined quantitatively.
  • They are no more likely to cause dental caries than the lactose in cows ' milk based formulas.
  • Looking at the map of percentages for lactose absorption in Europe one can see a distinct cline from the northwest to the south east.
  • IBS was found in 15% of both the lactose maldigesters and lactose digesters and lactose digesters.
  • Regional studies of the ability to digest lactose are also supportive.
  • Acid and gas are produced from lactose, mannose and trehalose.
  • Lactose intolerance says that mutations in two genes produces that effect.
  • Examples of well-understood intolerances are lactose.
  • About the only permitted sugars are the lactose found in.
  • It should be noted that lactose intolerance will increase with age.
  • Commercialization of lactose and lactic acid from whey was another project.
  • Sucrose caused more symptoms in the lactose maldigesters than in the control lactose digesters than in the control lactose digesters (P = 0.05 ).
  • discovery Page 57 When sugar is not so sweet Anthony Campbell and Stephanie Matthews reveal the startling discoveries they have made about lactose intolerance.
  • enzyme lactase, which the body needs in order to digest lactose.