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kitchen - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of kitchen in Hindi

  • रसोई
  • रसोई-घर
  • पाकगृह
  • रसोईघर
  • पाकशाला
  • रसोई-घर का
  • पाकगृह का

kitchen Definition


  • a room or area where food is prepared and cooked.
  • the percussion section of an orchestra.
  • (of a language) in an uneducated or domestic form.

kitchen Example

  • a complete kitchen at a bargain price ( कम कीमत पर एक संपूर्ण रसोईघर )
  • We needed some Aztec spirit in the kitchen to guide us. ( हमारा मार्गदर्शन करने के लिए हमें रसोई में कुछ एज़्टेक स्पिरिट की आवश्यकता थी। )
  • Just think of those kids in the kitchen with their daddy. ( जरा उन बच्चों के बारे में सोचिए जो किचन में अपने डैडी के साथ हैं। )
  • There are 10 cans of food left in the kitchen cabinet. ( किचन कैबिनेट में खाने के 10 डिब्बे बचे हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Think of the time most chefs are not in the kitchen.
  • My platoon was holed up in the kitchen of a house.
  • Young Luciano slept in the kitchen on a convertible iron bed.
  • In the kitchen is a copy of a Cezanne still life.
  • It's difficult to see in the kitchen in a sentence .
  • I think they opened and closed every cabinet in the kitchen.
  • She left briefly to feed her elderly mother in the kitchen.
  • kitchen Swahili
  • I gave the kitchen a spring-clean at the weekend.
  • Two families share in the use of the kitchen.
  • The restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen.
  • He was clumping about the kitchen in heavy boots.
  • A small fire had started in the kitchen.
  • There was a peculiar smell in the kitchen.
  • The kitchen is a fair size.
  • They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.
  • Come into the kitchen while I brew up.
  • There was a kitchen shed attached to the rear.
  • Besides these, we had a smaller tent for a kitchen.
  • I suppose you do get sick to death of a kitchen.
  • Drawing up a kitchen chair he sat down beside his mother.
  • The flat consisted of four rooms and a kitchen.
  • Only the smooth top of a kitchen table is required.
  • Kail-yard, a kitchen garden.
  • Turned into a kitchen drudge she shed tears of joy.
  • Itaka, a kitchen hanging-shelf.
  • It was ten past six by the kitchen clock.
  • Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.
  • The police rousted the thief out of the kitchen.
  • There was complete pandemonium in the kitchen.
  • The kitchen was beclouded with steam.
  • He foraged in the kitchen for something to eat.
  • Our kitchen tiles are made from terracotta.
  • the dried shrimp pastes of the Thai kitchen