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kinda - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of kinda in Hindi

  • किंडा

kinda Definition

  • kind of.

kinda Example

  • But I think you kinda like me, too. ( लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि आप भी मुझे पसंद करते हैं। )
  • It gets kinda crazy around here, doesn't it? ( यह यहाँ थोड़ा पागल हो जाता है, है ना? )
  • I, uh, kinda need to talk to you, bossman, if you're cool with that. ( मुझे, उह, आपसे बात करने की ज़रूरत है, बॉसमैन, अगर आप इसके साथ अच्छे हैं। )
  • It seems kinda silly, if you ask me, but it's your call. ( यह थोड़े मूर्खतापूर्ण लगता है, अगर आप मुझसे पूछें, लेकिन यह आपकी कॉल है। )

More Sentence

  • He sounded kinda wacky.
  • They act like being stupid might be some kinda blessin .'
  • He was kinda mad at me, and I understood that.
  • Kinda like Desi Arnaz in the old days at the Copacabana.
  • That's kinda what you'd expect ."
  • Kinda makes you puddle up just thinking about it, eh?
  • A kinda diary sorta zany thing about . . . No!
  • It's difficult to see kinda in a sentence .
  • It kinda makes us shiver in our go-go boots.
  • Like some kinda hellacious glacier, like some kinda tectonic taffy.
  • Like some kinda hellacious glacier, like some kinda tectonic taffy.
  • "It was kinda like the ` Rocky'movie.
  • McMaster said, " and that's kinda neat.
  • They were like, kinda lying low...because of this mistake.
  • Kinda wish I was, though.
  • Kinda puts matters in a different light, doesn't it?
  • I'm kinda not digging this whole put-me-in-the-bathtub-and-suck-my-blood gig.
  • Sometimes they overwhelm me, and I kinda go crazy.