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invincible - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of invincible in Hindi

  • अजेय
  • अपराजेय
  • न जीते जाते योग्य
  • इंविंसिबल

invincible Definition

  • too powerful to be defeated or overcome. ( पराजित या मात देने के लिए बहुत शक्तिशाली है। )

invincible Example

  • The man once thought invincible faced a judge, called to answer charges of murder and torture. ( एक बार सोचा कि अजेय व्यक्ति ने एक न्यायाधीश का सामना किया, जिसे हत्या और यातना के आरोपों का जवाब देना था। )
  • He was hailed as the wonder horse, the Bullet from Ballydoyle, which would be invincible from a mile to 12 furlongs. ( उन्हें आश्चर्य के घोड़े के रूप में सम्मानित किया गया, बल्लीडॉयल से बुलेट, जो एक मील से 12 फर्लांग तक अजेय होगा। )
  • This is reminiscent of the utter failure of the invincible Maginot Line or the unsinkable Titanic. ( यह अजेय मैजिनॉट लाइन या अकल्पनीय टाइटैनिक की पूरी तरह से विफलता की याद दिलाता है। )
  • Another reason people do not take out income protection insurance is because they see themselves as being invincible . ( एक और कारण है कि लोग आय सुरक्षा बीमा नहीं लेते हैं क्योंकि वे खुद को अजेय मानते हैं। )
  • The sun is invincible , unconquerable, the highest ideal of the self and the highest aspiration of the soul. ( सूर्य अजेय है, निर्विवाद है, स्वयं का सर्वोच्च आदर्श और आत्मा की सर्वोच्च आकांक्षा है। )

More Sentence

  • He was deemed invincible and the older generation believed that he had supernatural powers.
  • But those that do choose may be seriously misled into thinking that they are invincible .
  • In the long free-style disciplines, he was invincible and made all national records.
  • First of all he was hesitant, and then he settled down and got on with it enthusiastically, making his case apparently invincible .
  • Proud and arrogant, they thought themselves secure and invincible .
  • Labour's previously invincible electoral machine lost the safe seat of Brent East.
  • Anyone who has ever watched Hewitt might be surprised to hear him revealing that he doesn't always feel as invincible as he looks.
  • The men believe the twins hold mystical powers that make them invincible in their battles against the Myanmar military.
  • After it survived the 1993 bombing, people thought the towers were invincible .
  • Many companies don't have bad weather closure policies; they expect that you be invincible .
  • Hawks are still an outstandingly fine team and they may well win the league at a canter, but it's been good to show they are not invincible .
  • The Titans have looked invincible the last two games against quality opponents.
  • Let South Asia truly become the invincible giant of the new millennium.
  • The British soldiers had to face the incompetence of their own commanders as well as the invincible Boer commandos in the field.
  • He helps breathe life into the vision of America as strong, the best, invincible .
  • The other Allies would have to take over their Berlin sectors in due course, but Stalin wanted to be massively and invincibly in possession of the city before the Americans and the British could get there.
  • German invincibility had not just been broken; it had been shattered.
  • Passionate, energetic and invincibly cheerful: the qualities of his final book are also a monument to the man himself.
  • The cliché is invincibly true: Deeds speak louder than words.
  • Mixed with the pain though is a sense of invincibility .
  • This was simply a case of recklessness, the recklessness of youth, a feeling of invincibility , and he had a feeling of wanting to live life to the full.
  • My misguided opponent seems to equate invincibility , unemotional man-like roboticness, and power with cool.
  • When their majorities were invincibly large, they will wonder, did they merely tinker at the edges of public service reform?
  • Such iron discipline, unknown in the Middle Ages, goes far to account for their invincibility .
  • Graham, with his cigar, his coppery skin, his wavy white hair, and his invincibly artistic air was like the director.