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intimate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of intimate in Hindi

  • सूचित करना


  • बताना
  • सूचना देना


  • अन्तरंग
  • परिचित
  • अभिन्न
  • सुपरिचित
  • आभ्यंतर
  • प्रज्ञापित करना(विधि)

intimate Definition


  • imply or hint.


  • closely acquainted; familiar, close.
  • private and personal.


  • a very close friend.

intimate Example

  • they plan to wait before becoming intimate with one another ( वे एक दूसरे के साथ अंतरंग होने से पहले प्रतीक्षा करने की योजना बनाते हैं )
  • an intimate knowledge of the software ( सॉफ्टवेयर का एक अंतरंग ज्ञान )
  • an intimate little Italian restaurant ( एक अंतरंग छोटा इतालवी रेस्तरां )
  • their intimate involvement with their community ( अपने समुदाय के साथ उनकी अंतरंग भागीदारी )

More Sentence

  • This new method was like being intimate with a stranger.
  • In a few weeks he'll know your most intimate secrets.
  • Surprised by the intimate motion that seemed meant to comfort her, Deidre glanced up at him before nuzzling his neck.
  • She wrote a book describing all the intimate details of her love affairs with several famous Hollywood stars.
  • Samantha and her boyfriend enjoyed an intimate candlelit dinner at a fine restaurant to celebrate Valentine's Day.
  • It is sometimes nice to have an intimate dinner for two.
  • The orchestra conductor obviously has an intimate knowledge of Beethoven's greatest compositions.
  • The intimacy of their relationship was threatened by differing sexual needs.
  • Kemal was intimately involved with a female classmate for most of the term.
  • It is difficult for mentally-handicapped patients who are institutionalized to have intimate relationships with others because of the serious lack of privacy.
  • The intimate moment was gone, replaced by the tension that always filled the space between them.
  • He was a good scholar and mixed with the best literary society, being an intimate friend of Alexander Pope.
  • First, it will consider all your friends, people with whom you have actual intimate relationships, and it will look at where they go for Italian food.
  • She felt comfortable enough now to approach that intimate conversation.
  • The intimate moment almost made her want to cry in frustration.
  • Surely Alex had been intimate with other women.
  • Then added, in a mocking voice, 'We were intimate, and all our old love came flowing back!'
  • intimate details of his sexual encounters
  • intimate correspondence
  • they are on intimate terms
  • intimate friends