indispensable - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of indispensable in Hindi
- अपरिहार्य
- परम आवश्यक
- अनिवार्य
- अत्यावश्यक
indispensable Definition
indispensable Example
- He made himself indispensable to the parish priest ( उन्होंने खुद को पल्ली पुजारी के लिए अपरिहार्य बना दिया )
- After a night's sleep the news is as indispensable as the breakfast. ( रात की नींद के बाद समाचार नाश्ते की तरह अनिवार्य है। )
- Tikhon Shcherbaty was one of the most indispensable men in their band. ( तिखोन शचरबती उनके बैंड में सबसे अपरिहार्य पुरुषों में से एक थे। )
- Perhaps it is even indispensable as a preliminary statement. ( शायद प्रारंभिक वक्तव्य के रूप में यह अनिवार्य भी है। )
More Sentence
- As this business was to be entered into without the usual capital, it may not be easy to conjecture where those means, that will still be indispensable to every such undertaking, were to be obtained.
- Rightly or wrongly, however, he held that Russell was indispensable to the cabinet, and that a resignation would precipitate war.
- Cara does so much work in the office that she is indispensable to the productive running of the business.
- In order to cut costs, my boss has asked me to eliminate all positions that are not indispensable to day-to-day operations.
- The pharmacist is indispensable when it comes to operating a pharmacy.
- Yet the help which we contributed was indispensable to the success that was attained.
- The activity of women will be as indispensable to nations and their success as that of men.
- Their preference should be an indispensable element in the formulation of housing standards.
- No money which can be usefully spent for this indispensable end should be denied.
- Never would they have this indispensable means of salvation brought within easier reach.
- To most teenagers, their mobile phones are indispensable to their happiness.
- Oil is indispensable to the functioning of a lawn mower.
- The use of cranes is of great antiquity, but it is only since the great industrial development of the 19th century, and the introduction of other motive powers than hand labour, that the crane has acquired the important and indispensable position it now occupies.
- The so-called Emblemata (insertions) of Tribonian were therefore indispensable, though, of course, we cannot say whether they were always made in the best way.