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in the distance - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of in the distance in Hindi

  • दूरी में

in the distance Definition


  • the extent or amount of space between two things, points, lines, etc.
  • the state or fact of being apart in space, as of one thing from another; remoteness.
  • a linear extent of space:

in the distance Example

  • We were sitting together in a hammock which swung from two solemn pines at a short distance from the house. ( हम एक साथ एक झूला में बैठे थे जो घर से कुछ ही दूरी पर दो गंभीर चीड़ से झूलता था। )
  • She kept her distance from him. ( उसने उससे दूरी बना रखी थी। )
  • A horse and rider could cover more distance in a day that the mules could pulling the heavy freight wagons. ( एक घोड़ा और सवार एक दिन में इतनी दूरी तय कर सकते थे कि खच्चर भारी मालगाड़ियों को खींच सके। )
  • A coyote howled in the distance and another answered.  ( एक कोयोट दूरी में चिल्लाया और दूसरे ने उत्तर दिया। )

More Sentence

  • In the distance they were dark and threatening.
  • His greatest interest obviously lay some distance down that path into the woods.
  • In reading this letter about Niagara one should remember that Miss Keller knows distance and shape, and that the size of Niagara is within her experience after she has explored it, crossed the bridge and gone down in the elevator.
  • In the distance, she heard the familiar, unmistakable sound of an explosion.
  • Roxanne's house was within walking distance and the night was balmy.
  • The four men followed them for some distance, and then lost them on the hillside.