hundredths - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of hundredths in Hindi
hundredths Definition
- constituting number one hundred in a sequence; 100th.
- each of one hundred equal parts into which something is or may be divided.
hundredths Example
- In the giant slalom she recorded the fastest time of the first run and the third-fastest of the second to win gold by 46 hundredths of a second. ( विशाल स्लैलम में उसने पहले रन का सबसे तेज़ समय और दूसरे का तीसरा सबसे तेज़ समय एक सेकंड के 46 सौवें हिस्से से स्वर्ण जीतने के लिए दर्ज किया। )
- In a sport in which the times are measured in hundredths of a second, she beat Giove, who took second, by 20 ticks of the clock. ( एक ऐसे खेल में जिसमें समय एक सेकंड के सौवें हिस्से में मापा जाता है, उसने गियोव को हराया, जिसने घड़ी के 20 टिकों से दूसरा स्थान हासिल किया। )
- He outperformed everyone else last year by two or three hundredths. ( उन्होंने पिछले साल बाकी सभी से दो या तीन सौवें हिस्से से बेहतर प्रदर्शन किया। )
- Vicinal faces are typically only hundredths of one degree in inclination from the main crystal face on which they form. ( विसिनल चेहरे आम तौर पर मुख्य क्रिस्टल चेहरे से झुकाव में एक डिग्री का केवल सौवां हिस्सा होते हैं, जिस पर वे बनते हैं। )
More Sentence
- The Swiss franc can be subdivided into hundredths known as Rappen in German, centime in French, centesimo in Italian and rap in Rhaeto-Romanic.
- Crawford clocked 20.31 secs, with Gatlin eight one hundredths of a second back.
- This is a race normally decided by hundredths of a second.
- It cost me maybe a couple of hundredths of a second,
- It's difficult to see hundredths in a sentence .
- Like 100-meter sprinters, the top finishers in Olympic and world slalom races are separated by only hundredths of a second.
- I liked the odometer giving distance to the hundredths in case you really want to get picky about your mileage!
- The lender typically pays 30 to 40 hundredths of a percentage point less than a bank would.
- Two cyclists could be separated by just a couple of hundredths of a second at the finish line.
- O'Sullivan was three-hundredths of a second behind.
- Many tournaments use electronic scales that measure hundredths of a pound.
- You can control the placement of all objects to within hundredths of a millimeter.
- But stopwatches have become so sophisticated that scouts can clock times to hundredths of a second.
- In racing, these swimsuits might help a swimmer swim anywhere from a few hundredths to a few seconds faster.
- The intermediate arm is finished to a tolerance of 0.008 mm, and the cams controlling the eccentric shaft are machined to tolerances of a few hundredths of a millimeter.
- All in several hundredths of a second.
- That was less than one two hundredths of one percent of the total.
- I have computed that it amounts to two hundredths of one percent of total slave ownership, an amount absolutely overwhelmed by the slave birthrate.
- However, when steam condenses back into water the space it then occupies is about one seventeen hundredths of the space it occupied as vaporous steam.
- His time over 200m was four hundredths of a second behind first place.