how dare you - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of how dare you in Hindi
how dare you Definition
- used to express indignation.
how dare you Example
- "How dare you talk to these journalist infidels ! " he said. ( "आपकी हिम्मत कैसे हुई इन पत्रकार काफिरों से बात करने की!" उसने कहा। )
- How dare you call yourselves patriots and heroes, " the president said. ( आपने खुद को देशभक्त और नायक कहने की हिम्मत कैसे की, ”राष्ट्रपति ने कहा। )
- "People initially said :'How dare you go outside the public housing world? ( "लोगों ने शुरू में कहा: 'आपकी सार्वजनिक आवास की दुनिया से बाहर जाने की हिम्मत कैसे हुई? )
- "How dare you call yourselves patriots and heroes ? " he said. ( "तुम्हारी हिम्मत कैसे हुई खुद को देशभक्त और हीरो कहने की?" उसने कहा। )
More Sentence
- How dare you waste your life moping over what you don't have?
- Did I say, " How dare you put personal requests here ?!
- :: : Cockatoo, how DARE you speak about me like that!
- It's difficult to see how dare you in a sentence .
- "` How dare you sell my car ! " he shouted.
- "How dare you call yourselves patriots and heroes, " he demanded.
- Native Americans telling me :'How dare you offend us ! "'
- How dare you do a training exercise at night in a combat zone?
- How dare you say that your character is superior to Vice President Gore.
- Also, how dare you suggest that I am wasting your time.
- How dare you . . . . Can I take off my clothes?
- Scott said that Davis screamed, " How dare you compare me to Joan Crawford!