hormone - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of hormone in Hindi
hormone Definition
- a regulatory substance produced in an organism and transported in tissue fluids such as blood or sap to stimulate specific cells or tissues into action.
hormone Example
- All right, men are hormone driven fools. ( ठीक है, पुरुष हार्मोन संचालित मूर्ख हैं। )
- This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body. ( यह हार्मोन शरीर में अन्य हार्मोन के साथ निकटता से बातचीत करता है। )
- This drug helps depress high hormone levels. ( यह दवा उच्च हार्मोन के स्तर को कम करने में मदद करती है। )
- My hormone balance is disturbed by my pregnancy. ( मेरी गर्भावस्था से मेरा हार्मोन संतुलन गड़बड़ा गया है। )
- Oestrogen is a female sex hormone. ( एस्ट्रोजन एक महिला सेक्स हार्मोन है। )
More Sentence
- Research has shown that hormone replacement therapy can reduce the risk of fracture by 50 to 60 per cent.
- The pituitary also produces ACTH and growth hormone, which have significant metabolic effects.
- But once Ollie had started to mature socially, his male hormone output enhanced his urge to gain a higher social level.
- Casodex is a drug that blocks the release of testosterone, a hormone that is linked to prostate cancer.
- The controls were 713 postmenopausal women aged 45-65 not taking hormone replacements.
- The insulin like growth factors are thought to mediate some of the effects of growth hormone on tissues.
- A woman who is not ovulating escapes the sharp changes in hormone levels that can lead to mood swings.
- They could be cured if they were treated in time with iodine, whole gland, or pure hormone.
- Little is known about the side-effects of synthetic growth hormone, particularly in normal children.
- The excess secretion of the hormone aldosterone into the blood is from an abnormal adrenal gland or glands.
- A false negative test result means that you are pregnant but the test was unable to detect the hormone.
- Table 2: Treatments for other features of polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS feature Available treatment Comments raised androgen (male sex hormone) level.
- However, there is a difference in the way that the male hormone androgen is metabolized (processed) between the sexes.
- potentiate the release of some anabolic hormones, such as growth hormone.
- None of the hormone regimens affected how the body processes carbohydrates.
- The second most sensitive in detecting the pregnancy hormone is E.P.T. at 40 mIUs.
- If you wait a couple days and test again, you may get a positive test because your pregnancy hormone has increased enough for the test to detect it.
- apical dominance to make the formation of new crowns hormone driven.