hoops - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of hoops in Hindi
hoops Definition
- a circular band of metal, wood, or similar material, especially one used for binding the staves of barrels or forming part of a framework.
- bind or encircle with or as with hoops.
hoops Example
- "I'm off to shoot hoops with a kid I met at the hot spring pool," he said. ( "मैं हॉट स्प्रिंग पूल में मिले एक बच्चे के साथ हुप्स शूट करने के लिए तैयार हूं," उन्होंने कहा। )
- "He's been busy shooting hoops with Pumpkin Green," Dean said. ( "वह कद्दू ग्रीन के साथ हुप्स की शूटिंग में व्यस्त है," डीन ने कहा। )
- Hoops, Waldbeiume u. ( हुप्स, वाल्डबीयूम यू। )
- Soft clay was then carefully laid on to strengthen the mould, in considerable thickness, till the whole statue appeared like a shapeless mass of clay, round which iron hoops were bound to hold it all together. ( तब नरम मिट्टी को सावधानी से, काफी मोटाई में, सांचे को मजबूत करने के लिए रखा गया था, जब तक कि पूरी मूर्ति मिट्टी के आकारहीन द्रव्यमान की तरह दिखाई न दे, जिसके चारों ओर लोहे के खुरों को एक साथ रखने के लिए बाध्य किया गया था। )
- 1442), "A new yeare's guifte, or a posie made upon certen flowers," &c. "Posy rings," plain or engraved gold rings with a "posy" inscribed on the inside of the hoops, were very frequently in use as betrothal rings from the 16th to the 18th centuries. ( १४४२), "एक नए साल का उपहार, या कुछ फूलों पर बनी एक स्थिति," और सी। "पॉसी रिंग्स," सादे या उत्कीर्ण सोने के छल्ले, हुप्स के अंदर खुदा हुआ "पॉज़" के साथ, 16 वीं से 18 वीं शताब्दी तक अक्सर सगाई के छल्ले के रूप में उपयोग किया जाता था। )
More Sentence
- viminalis is one of the best of the green osiers, suitable for hoops and valuable for retaining the soil on sloping embankments.
- Puddling furnaces are usually entirely cased with iron plates, and blast furnaces with hoops round each course of the stack, or in those of thinner constructions the firebrick work is entirely enclosed in a wrought iron casing or jacket.
- He did not try to dodge the banners or the hoops after he found how harmless they were.
- When the rain comes the board will be lost or the hoops will be off the barrel.
- That he had not gone along the grass edging showed that he knew the hoops were there.
- He had stretched the canvas so tightly across the hoops that they were bent to an oval shape.
- It only means loosening the two hoops at the end, and then the heading will slip out.
- Steamed and bent, this wood lent itself to the making of hoops for barrels and kegs.
- This had a narrow grass edging, but hoops were placed along it to keep people off.
- These panniers are oblong wooden boxes, eighteen inches high, with hoops over them for curtains.
- A previous make, without wire, is strengthened by rings or hoops also shrunk on hot.
- The diameter of the hoops is made proportionate to the size of the beast for which they are intended.
- He led the way into a long building with an immense quantity of barrel staves and iron hoops littered about in it.
- Of course the hoops were wound with the cloth, and besides that were trimmed with apple blossoms and lilacs.
- The young man sulked in, humbled in hoops by high school star Billy Langstrom.
- in diameter at the ground, the chestnut is found to make durable hoops for casks and props for vines; and of a larger size it makes good hop-poles.
- public officers, and such minor officials as inspectors of milk, inspectors of buildings, gauger of measures, cullers of staves and hoops, fish warden and forester.
- Those pieces are connected at theii joints or surfaces of mutual contact, either by simple pressure and friction (as in masonry with moist mortar or without mortar), by pressure and adhesion (as in masonry with cement or with hardened mortar, and timber with glue), or by the resistance of fastenings of different kinds, whether made by means of the form of the joint (as dovetails, notches, mortices and tenons) or by separate fastening pieces (as trenails, pins, spikes, nails, holdfasts, screws, bolts, rivets, hoops, straps and sockets.
- First of all there are always all sorts of bureaucratic hoops to jump through the first day.
- Jump through hoops to earn 5 quid an hour.
- The barrels employed in the transport of petroleum products are made of well-seasoned white-oak staves bound by six or eight iron hoops.
- Among its manufactures are lumber, staves, and hoops.