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habitat - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of habitat in Hindi

  • वास
  • आवास
  • स्थान
  • घर
  • घम
  • उत्पत्तिस्थान
  • ठौर-ठिकाना
  • निवास-स्थान

habitat Definition

  • the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.

habitat Example

  • Soon it will be time to compete for attention with a different type of animal in their natural habitat of the Dáil. ( जल्द ही यह अपने प्राकृतिक निवास स्थान डाएल में एक अलग प्रकार के जानवर के साथ ध्यान आकर्षित करने का समय होगा। )
  • wild chimps in their natural habitat ( उनके प्राकृतिक आवास में जंगली चिंपांजी )
  • We depend on the natural environment for our survival, as wildlife depends on the natural ecosystem for its habitat . ( हम अपने अस्तित्व के लिए प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण पर निर्भर हैं, क्योंकि वन्यजीव अपने आवास के लिए प्राकृतिक पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र पर निर्भर करता है। )
  • It's a technique which has a lot of potential and the next film will feature more talking animals in their natural habitat . ( यह एक ऐसी तकनीक है जिसमें बहुत अधिक संभावनाएं हैं और अगली फिल्म में उनके प्राकृतिक आवास में अधिक बात करने वाले जानवरों की सुविधा होगी। )

More Sentence

  • The place is a natural habitat for 15 endemic plants bearing the mountains' name.
  • In this film there are no underwater shots of marine life in its natural habitat .
  • This chance to view the animals in their natural habitat should not be passed by.
  • One of those values is the desire to protect our natural habitat for generations to come.
  • But the stress of being moved from their natural habitat can damage the animals and the public are being asked not to handle them.
  • It's hard enough bird watching, does she have to disrupt the animals in their natural habitat ?
  • The series focuses on the current state of our natural habitat , and what the future holds for us all.
  • The point is businesses that benefit from animals are expected to preserve habitats , not disturb natural productivity.
  • Boundaries should be placed around cities instead, preventing the otherwise inevitable depletion of precious natural habitats .
  • These included maintaining and restoring a full range of remaining natural habitats and ecosystems to a healthy, functioning condition.
  • We have destroyed all the predators of the fox in these islands by our own expansion into natural habitats .
  • The draining of water from rivers and watersheds for irrigation leads to drier natural habitats .
  • Pollution had also been a major problem, devastating the natural habitats of many animals and damaging the earth beyond repair.
  • The good news is that these cool, damp places are ideal for growing woodland plants, whose natural habitats include just such moist, shady conditions.
  • The article suggests that protecting elephants and their natural habitats would be a step to survival of the species.
  • Finally, time was spent on the Galapagos Islands recording indigenous animals in their natural habitats .
  • The best tend to have fewer species, provide a great deal of space, and sometimes almost reproduce the animals' natural habitats - minus most of the dangers.