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guard - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of guard in Hindi

  • रक्षक
  • गार्ड
  • रखवाली
  • बचाव
  • पहरेदार
  • चौकसी
  • सतर्कता
  • गारद
  • रक्षा करना
  • सतर्क रहना
  • पहरा देना
  • संरक्षण करना
  • चौकसी करना
  • संरक्षित करना
  • बचाना

guard Definition


  • watch over in order to protect or control.
  • protect against damage or harm.


  • a person who keeps watch, especially a soldier or other person formally assigned to protect a person or to control access to a place.
  • a device worn or fitted to prevent injury or damage.
  • a defensive posture adopted in a boxing, fencing, or martial arts contest or in a fight.
  • each of two offensive players positioned either side of the center.

guard Example

  • the hound belonged to a member of the castle's guard ( हाउंड महल के गार्ड के एक सदस्य का था )
  • A security guard brought him down with a flying tackle. ( एक सुरक्षा गार्ड ने उसे एक फ्लाइंग टैकल से नीचे उतारा। )
  • The old guard did not like the changes that Brewer introduced. ( पुराने गार्ड को ब्रूअर द्वारा पेश किए गए बदलाव पसंद नहीं थे। )
  • Modesty is not only and ornament, but also a guard to virtue. ( शील केवल अलंकार और आभूषण ही नहीं, बल्कि सद्गुण के रक्षक भी हैं। )

More Sentence

  • Many a night, you and the death and disease resistance, when treatment is the doctor 's arm, patrol is the relatives of the patient, monitoring health Messenger, rescue is the life guard.
  • Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.
  • farmers must guard against sudden changes in the market
  • he distracted the soldier on guard duty
  • Material at civil reactors also needs to be kept under guard.
  • -- Guard your card as you would the cash equivalent.
  • Our night guard called the police, but they never appeared.
  • his task was to help guard Japanese soldiers
  • he let his guard slip enough to make some unwise comments
  • They were summarily ejected by the security guard.
  • Officials used guard dogs to eject the protesters.
  • A guard zapped him with the stun gun.
  • The noise aroused the sleeping guard.
  • A guard was posted outside the building.
  • Dentists have guarded their status as autonomous practitioners and rejected all attempts at regulation by the state.
  • She had to defend herself against the guard dog.
  • Two men grappled with a guard at the door.
  • He struck me while I was off guard.
  • A security guard was killed in the bank raid.
  • a retractable blade guard
  • a security guard
  • this kick can curl around an otherwise effective guard
  • Finally, security guards ushered the flustered doctor inside the building.
  • A guard whispers that he has a telephone call from Berlin.
  • South Korean soldiers stand guard as they work in their fields.
  • The demonstration caught Reagan off guard for only a few seconds.
  • I think I caught him off guard, in a way.
  • Each guard had one minute to overcome and handcuff his attacker.
  • It's difficult to see guard in a sentence .
  • Extra guards are on hand, because nobody wants a riot.
  • The group has conducted research on itself to guard against attacks.
  • they were sent to guard villagers from attack by bandits