gross - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gross in Hindi
- मोटा
- ठोस
- महत
- अशिष्ट
- अशिष्टतापूर्ण
- निर्लज्ज
- कलa
gross Definition
- (especially of wrongdoing) very obvious and unacceptable; blatant.
- (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total.
- an amount equal to twelve dozen; 144.
- a gross profit or income.
- produce or earn (an amount of money) as gross profit or income.
- without tax or other contributions having been deducted.
gross Example
- a projected gross takeoff weight of 500,000 pounds ( 500,000 पाउंड का अनुमानित सकल टेकऑफ़ वजन )
- if the value of your Bond is $50,000 or more the interest will be paid gross ( यदि आपके बांड का मूल्य $50,000 या उससे अधिक है तो ब्याज का भुगतान किया जाएगा )
- the current rate of interest is about 6.1 percent gross ( ब्याज की वर्तमान दर लगभग 6.1 प्रतिशत सकल है )
- the duties we felt called upon to perform toward our inferiors were only gross, material ones ( जिन कर्तव्यों को हमने महसूस किया कि उन्हें अपने हीनों के प्रति प्रदर्शन करने के लिए कहा गया था, वे केवल स्थूल, भौतिक थे )
More Sentence
- the gross amount of the gift was $1,000
- it's disgusting and gross, but it's a fact
- a gross exaggeration
- The gross revenue of all the states is estimated at 24 millions sterling.
- See what gross inconsistency is tolerated.
- That's kind of gross, isn't it?
- The gross revenue derived from the trunk services was £480,658, being an average of 5.82d.
- The potential buyers for the foreclosed house could barely withstand the gross condition of the house with its urine-stained carpets, infestation of roaches and grimy walls.
- After cleaning out the refrigerator, I picked up a dripping bag of gross moldy cheese that smelled really bad.
- My son has a gross habit of picking his nose and wiping it on his sleeve without caring who sees him do this.
- After being sick with the flu for a week, I took a look at myself and noticed a gross person with a pale face and dirty hair staring back.
- The gross income for the year 1907 amounted to £2,702,228, of which £257,920 was paid to the Post Office in respect of royalties.
- A puritan may go to his brown-bread crust with as gross an appetite as ever an alderman to his turtle.
- She described the skeleton as gross, with dead stuff clinging to some of the bones.
- In 1822 it was $100,000; in 1850, $6,195,144; in 1886, $24,712,820; in 1904, $58,216,725; in 1907, $70,781,969 (gross debt, $104,206,706)-this included the debt of Suffolk county which in 1907 was $3,517,000.
- Let me tell you, it was pretty gross.
- He died on the 18th of July 1908, at Gross Lichterfelde, near Berlin.
- the film went on to gross $8 million in the U.S
- at the gross anatomical level
- gross negligence
- gross human rights abuses
- fifty-five gross of tins of processed milk