gamble - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gamble in Hindi
- जुआ
- द्यूतक्रीड़ा
- दांव पर लगाना
- दांव लगाकर जुआ खेलना
- साहसपूर्ण कार्य करना
gamble Definition
- an act of gambling; an enterprise undertaken or attempted with a risk of loss and a chance of profit or success.
- play games of chance for money; bet.
- take risky action in the hope of a desired result.
gamble Example
- the British could only gamble that something would turn up. (अंग्रेज केवल यह जुआ खेल सकते थे कि कुछ हो जाएगा।)
- He'd taken a gamble by entrusting it to her. (उसने उसे सौंपकर एक जुआ खेला था।)
- It was time for a last desperate gamble. (यह आखिरी हताश जुआ खेलने का समय था।)
- Subjects were asked to evaluate pairs of gambles of comparable expected value. (तुलनीय अपेक्षित मूल्य के जुए के जोड़े का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए विषयों को कहा गया था।)
- The problem is, you're taking a bit of a gamble if you elect not to take your dog to your vet for an exam. (समस्या यह है कि यदि आप अपने कुत्ते को परीक्षा के लिए अपने पशु चिकित्सक के पास नहीं ले जाने का चुनाव करते हैं, तो आप थोड़ा जुआ खेल रहे हैं।)
More Sentence
- I quit my jobs and took a massive gamble.
- Their religion forbids them to drink or gamble.
- The same considerations apply when the agent is asked for the highest price at which she would buy the gambles.
- Yes, so paying for the test is a bit of a gamble.
- Few firms will be willing to gamble on new products.
- I wouldn't gamble on the weather being fine.
- Cricket-fighting is a sport in which two male crickets are made to engage in a duel, and it often involves gambling.
- A married man, who had risked losing his cohabiting girlfriend if he had not agreed to marriage, commented that 'she seemed worth gambling on'.
- Although they sell over-the-counter worm products, choosing the right product can be a gamble because you may not know exactly which type of worms your dog may have.
- Don't gamble with your future.
- There is some evidence that the attribute that is traded off, or gambled with, becomes salient; that is, people give more importance to this attribute.
- The gamble seemed hardly worthwhile.
- Home values are not nearly as stable as they once were, and for this reason maxing out the equity in your home can be a big gamble.
- It was a gamble that went badly wrong
- I think gambling is a type of compulsive behaviour.