gall - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of gall in Hindi
- धिसकर भ्रष्ट करना
- विनीत करना
- घाव
gall Definition
- bold and impudent behavior.
- the contents of the gallbladder; bile (proverbial for its bitterness).
- make (someone) feel annoyed.
- make sore by rubbing.
gall Example
- By this means a gall is produced on the under side of the leaf. (इसके द्वारा पत्ती के नीचे की तरफ एक पित्त उत्पन्न होता है।)
- She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing. (उसे यह सुझाव देने के लिए पित्त था कि मैं उसे स्टीव के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान कर सकता हूं कि स्टीव क्या कर रहा था।)
- In mature galls, a multi-layered band of sclereids differentiates, enclosing the nutritive tissue completely. (परिपक्व गलों में, स्क्लेरीड्स का एक बहु-स्तरित बैंड विभेदित होता है, पोषक ऊतक को पूरी तरह से घेर लेता है।)
- This virus causes the rapid enlargement and subdivision of the cells affected by it, so as to form the tissues of the gall. (यह वायरस इससे प्रभावित कोशिकाओं के तेजी से विस्तार और उपखंड का कारण बनता है, जिससे पित्त के ऊतकों का निर्माण होता है।)
- In conclusion, patients with cholesterol gall stones produce less metastable hepatic bile measured by the evidence of shorter nucleation time. (अंत में, कोलेस्ट्रॉल पित्त पथरी वाले मरीज़ कम मेटास्टेबल यकृत पित्त का उत्पादन करते हैं, जो कि कम न्यूक्लिएशन समय के साक्ष्य द्वारा मापा जाता है।)
More Sentence
- a single grub feeds on its gall for two years before emerging
- How did men have the gall to criticize women for being talkative?
- the bank had the gall to demand a fee
- All the leaves sampled from galled branches contained galls.
- accept life's gall without blaming somebody else
- I almost admired the utter gall of the man.
- he was filled with gall at the suspected ambitions of his old enemies
- Others suppose him to have been an Italian, or a monk from the convent of St Gall in Switzerland.
- Longitudinal sonograms of the gall bladder were recorded on film.
- The oak galls are collected, crushed and either boiled or infused in rainwater (or white-wine vinegar).
- The reason for the greater total lipid concentration in cholesterol gall stone patients is not clear at present.
- There is also a separate chapter-house, which is wanting at St Gall.
- Before primary gall stone dissolution, 16 patients had had solitary stones: the remaining 77 had had multiple stones.
- Later in the life cycle, pollen is vectored by a new generation of pollinators reared in gall figs.
- No galls were observed on any of the planted seedlings.