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firm - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of firm in Hindi

  • दृढ़
  • फर्म
  • पेड़ी
  • कोठी
  • व्यवसाय-प्रतिष्ठान
  • कंपनी
  • साझे का व्यवसाय
  • व्यवसाय-संघ


  • दृढ़
  • ठोस
  • स्थिर
  • अटल
  • मज़बूत
  • कठोर
  • स्थायी
  • स्थित
  • अचल
  • संगीन

firm Definition


  • having a solid, almost unyielding surface or structure. ( एक ठोस, लगभग उठी हुई सतह या संरचना। )
  • strongly felt and unlikely to change. ( दृढ़ता से महसूस किया और बदलने की संभावना नहीं है। )


  • a business concern, especially one involving a partnership of two or more people. ( एक व्यावसायिक चिंता, विशेष रूप से दो या दो से अधिक लोगों की साझेदारी वाली। )


  • make (something) physically solid or resilient. ( (कुछ) शारीरिक रूप से ठोस या लचीला बनाना। )


  • in a resolute and determined manner. ( एक दृढ़ और निर्धारित तरीके से। )

firm Example

  • He was resolute, firm and unbending in his position toward Nazi Germany's aggression.
  • Hopefully they will continue to build on this firm foundation.
  • White has shown his cards in the selection of a team and a bench that is tailored for a hard, firm ground and dry conditions.
  • In section the tumour tissue was firm and the cut surface of the growth was evenly white and had small cysts in it.
  • First, the United States made a firm commitment to protect and defend Europe.
  • The community came away from the service stronger and with a firm desire to form a community movement or organisation.
  • He kept a firm grip on her to make sure she was alright, but pulled something out of his pocket.
  • Fill in around root balls with additional soil; firm the soil with your hands, then water.
  • In November, when leaves are down, plant seeds 3 inches apart and firm the soil over them.
  • It is rare for a biotechnology firm to establish its business in a an existing property.
  • They can see the firm foundations being laid at Elland Road.
  • a firm mattress
  • the car's suspension is quite firm
  • Her right fist appeared to have connected with something distinctly firm and solid.
  • she took a firm stand on the issue
  • we need some firm leadership
  • Retain a firm grip on it when you power it up and you will get the hang of it after a few passes.
  • The Committee was equally firm in its belief that the existing arrangements were imperfect.
  • We'd really like separate paths for riders, with a firm all-weather surface, but that would be expensive.
  • It is important to be firm , resolute and committed to get through the first stage.
  • they took a firm line with offenders
  • He kept on marching ahead with equipoise and firm determination.
  • ‘At the moment we are going on as if it is still going ahead but we are planning to make a firm decision in June,’ she said.
  • I then proceeded to let out a few feet of tape and make sure I had a firm grip on it.
  • stand the ladder on firm ground
  • He is committed to a firm belief, based on his strong religious faith, that he will be healed.
  • Obtain a stable chair with a firm seat cushion and back, and a footstool to elevate your leg
  • Not to say that there wasn't debate, but the conclusion was always the same: a firm resolution to do nothing.
  • Raising her head high, Julia decides to toughen herself and be firm with Cassie.
  • They were industrious by nature with a strong work ethic and a firm belief in self-sufficiency.