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fighter - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fighter in Hindi


  • योद्धा
  • लड़ाका
  • लड़नेवाला मनुष्य
  • लड़ाका हवाई जहाज़

fighter Definition


  • a person or animal that fights, especially as a soldier or a boxer.
  • a fast military aircraft designed for attacking other aircraft.

fighter Example

  • There'll be months of physiotherapy but medical staff say she's a fighter. (फिजियोथेरेपी के महीनों होंगे लेकिन मेडिकल स्टाफ का कहना है कि वह एक फाइटर है)
  • Divided by class and political allegiance, both elders and forest fighters used bureaucratic skills to create new means of measuring virtuous conduct. (फिजियोथेरेपी के महीनों होंगे लेकिन मेडिकल स्टाफ का कहना है कि वह एक फाइटर है)
  • Next to that, we must rely primarily upon our fighter aircraft. (इसके अलावा, हमें मुख्य रूप से अपने लड़ाकू विमानों पर निर्भर रहना चाहिए।)
  • With fighter aircraft on the airfields, with bombers and with tanks, they were there (हवाई क्षेत्र में लड़ाकू विमानों के साथ, बमवर्षकों के साथ और टैंकों के साथ, वे वहाँ थे )
  • designers employ stealth to render a fighter invisible to radar. (रडार के लिए अदृश्य लड़ाकू को प्रस्तुत करने के लिए डिजाइनर चुपके से काम करते हैं।)

More Sentence

  • To many resistance fighters, the gover nment and other establishment g roups were outr ight traitors.
  • Although the ethnic composition of the groups is interesting, however, it is by no means explanatory : very few fighters cited ethnicity as a reason for joining armed groups.
  • fighter pilots.
  • Contrary to the false images painted by their superiors, the rank and file immediately found out that the rebels were skilful fighters.
  • Fatigued and afflicted with a persistent shortage of trained leaders and fighters, dissension and factionalism, it lost the will power to win.
  • Fighters are now being adapted for flight refuelling.
  • This can only be effected by fighter aircraft.
  • I should be grateful if an indication could be given whether there are plans for constructing merchant ships, especially tankers, to carry fighter aircraft.
  • Nothing has been said about the next generation of fighter aircraft.
  • We are spending a fair amount on fighter aircraft how useful are they likely to be?
  • I have tried to arrive at the figures of the air strengths of ourselves and other countries—as far as swept-wing fighter aircraft are concerned.
  • We are spending a fair amount on fighter aircraft how useful are they likely to be?
  • It is designed primarily as a fighter aircraft, although it would have a capability for ground attack and other roles.
  • It is no good having fighter aircraft, and it is far less use having a few communication aircraft.
  • With fighter aircraft one could not escort oneself on to an airfield the landing strips of which were blocked.