fig - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fig in Hindi
- अंजीर
- गूलर
- बड़
- लिबास
- वस्र
- साज़-सिंगार
- अंजीर का पेड़ या फल
- निरर्थक वस्तु
- झंझी कौडी
fig Definition
- a soft pear-shaped fruit with sweet dark flesh and many small seeds, eaten fresh or dried.
- the deciduous Old World tree or shrub that bears the fig.
- dress up (someone) to look smart.
fig Example
- see fig.(अंजीर देखें। 34 )
- I don't care a fig for your opinion. (मुझे आपकी राय के लिए एक अंजीर की परवाह नहीं है)
- Fresh mozzarella sits well with salad leaves and fresh peaches or figs. (ताजा मोत्ज़ारेला सलाद के पत्तों और ताजा आड़ू या अंजीर के साथ अच्छी तरह से बैठता है।)
- Figs are pollinated by fig wasps. (अंजीर ततैया द्वारा अंजीर का परागण किया जाता है।)
- The ripe figs are smaller than those in the summer crop, but sweet and good. (पके अंजीर गर्मियों की फसल की तुलना में छोटे होते हैं, लेकिन मीठे और अच्छे होते हैं।)
More Sentence
- But are these plants being used as a deceptive fig leaf?
- A fig tree can have three generations of fruit each year, all on the plant at the same time.
- Put the figs into a medium baking dish.
- Remove and add to the figs.
- Nor does he give a fig for fashion.
- About Rebecca and Jos he did not care a fig.
- Slice the peaches and figs into big pieces.
- Cut the figs into pieces the same size as the raspberries.
- Arrange the oranges and figs on a large platter and dot with the feta.
- Carefully wash and dry the figs, slice them thinly and set aside.
- Drizzle the figs with the rest of the balsamic vinegar.
- My fig tree is shedding fruit, what's wrong?
- They are renting fig trees for their atrium.
- When is the best time to prune my fig tree?