fierce - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fierce in Hindi
- भयंकर
- उग्र
- क्रूर
- प्रखर
- क्रुद्ध
- चंड
- कोपाकुल
- प्रचण्ड
- घोर
fierce Definition
- having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness. ( तीव्र या क्रूर आक्रामकता होना या प्रदर्शित होना। )
fierce Example
- she has fierce loyalty to the school
- fierce dog
- he gave me a fierce glare
- he kissed her with a fierce, demanding passion
- fierce battle
- I have a fierce thirst
- there was fierce competition for the job
- the actress looked as fierce and fashion-forward as ever
- that was a fierce hard exam
- fierce heat
- she's as fierce as a bag of cats today
- fierce storms lashed the country
- fierce air battles ensued over the Pacific
- the tiger is the largest member of the cat family and a fierce predator
- fierce storm
- the debate was fierce
- he's in a fierce mood today
- the wind was fierce last night
- he received fierce criticism
- she had a fierce look