fiend - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fiend in Hindi
- राक्षस
- पिशाच
- प्रेत
- दीवाना
- परम दुष्ट मनुष्य
- क्रूर व्यक्ति
- शैतान
- भूत
- बेताल
fiend Example
- a fiend thirsty for blood and revenge ( खून का प्यासा और बदला लेने वाला )
- The fiend who did that is still out there; the one who killed those children and police officer and God knows who else! ( ऐसा करने वाला शैतान अभी भी बाहर है; जिसने उन बच्चों और पुलिस अधिकारी को मार डाला और भगवान जाने और कौन! )
- But even then the foul fiend kept the letter of his compact. ( लेकिन फिर भी उस दुष्ट ने अपनी सुपारी की चिट्ठी संभाल कर रखी। )
- Born in 1989, the self-professed "music fiend" is following in his father's footsteps. ( 1989 में जन्मे, स्वयंभू "संगीत प्रेमी" अपने पिता के नक्शेकदम पर चल रहे हैं। )
More Sentence
- They were cowed, as they said, by that disciple and limb of the fiend called La Pucelle, that used false enchantments and sorcery.
- Friend's sister from being killed by a deranged fiend.
- Cicero gave an account in some letters to his fiend Atticus.
- He was only rivaled by the Pit Fiend in that set.
- Today, R . fiend still remains active on this article.
- Link to R . fiend statement about block of Ed Poor.
- It's difficult to see fiend in a sentence .
- The Problem : I like to consider myself an information fiend.
- She gained protection from the Fiend by bearing him a son.
- Clinton but that other Democratic fiend, Senator Edward Kennedy.
- Nik Fiend: It was a massive learning curve.
- The honorable fiend has a nice takeoff of the " Choose Life " format: Choose Labor.
- Hasn't Fox modeled himself on self-confessed former coke fiend George W Bush...?
- I found a sense of self that I have longed for all my life, I am not a drug fiend gang banger.
- You expect many things from Brian Molko, the androgynous alien sex fiend who fronts Placebo.
- There is map, fiend radar, treasure radar and fiend radar, treasure radar and fiend guide.
- the restaurant's owner is a wine fiend