fiasco - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fiasco in Hindi
- असफलता
- नाकामयाबी
- अनिष्पत्ति
- रंग-भंग
fiasco Definition
- a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way.
fiasco Example
- his plans turned into a fiasco. ( उसकी योजनाएँ एक असफलता में बदल गईं। )
- The president must accept some blame for this economic fiasco. ( राष्ट्रपति को इस आर्थिक गड़बड़ी के लिए कुछ दोष स्वीकार करना चाहिए। )
- Is not the air-raid precautions scheme the greatest fiasco ever known? ( क्या हवाई हमले की सावधानियों की योजना अब तक की सबसे बड़ी नाकामी नहीं है? )
- She advises those still aghast at the Pia Zadora fiasco to lighten up. ( वह उन लोगों को सलाह देती है जो अभी भी पिया ज़दोरा के उपद्रव से घबराए हुए हैं। )
- The show was a fiasco – the lights wouldn’t work, one actor forgot his lines and another fell off the stage. ( शो एक उपद्रव था - रोशनी काम नहीं करेगी, एक अभिनेता अपनी पंक्तियों को भूल गया और दूसरा मंच से गिर गया। )
- It was a minor fiasco; she looked more like a punk rocker than someone who had just walked out of Jeff Dwire's beauty salon. ( यह एक छोटी सी गड़बड़ी थी; वह किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति की तुलना में पंक रॉकर की तरह दिखती थी जो अभी-अभी जेफ ड्वायर के ब्यूटी सैलून से निकला था। )
- He should count himself lucky not to have been blamed for the whole fiasco. ( उसे खुद को भाग्यशाली समझना चाहिए कि उसे पूरे उपद्रव के लिए दोषी नहीं ठहराया गया। )
More Sentence
- The blame for the Charleston fiasco did not lie with him.
- A fistfight had turned into a pistol - whipping, bullet - flying fiasco.
- Four cabinet members were facing questions last night about their part in the fiasco.
- These Clausewtzian commonplaces will shed light on the grotesque fiasco at Leyte Gulf.
- She wondered if she had developed an early warning system since the fiasco with Marcus.
- Until someone accepts the blame for the military fiasco, the anti-war protestors will continue to picket outside the White House.
- The true depth of Jack's growing interest in aviation came a month after the hopping fiasco.
- The tax credit fiasco underlines how much learning he still has to do.
- When Jane was booed off the stage, she realized her first attempt at stand-up comedy was a fiasco.
- Tried using popgun after fiasco of toy cannon, he wrote, but that was too violent where other was too weak.
- The tension got to the dancers, too, and many expected the ballet to be a fiasco.
- All this disappointment resurfaced with one telling detail of the fiasco over foreign prisoners.
- Four cabinet members were facing questions last night about their part in the fiasco.
- After the pharmaceutical company endured a poisoning fiasco, it was unprofitable for several years.
- The entire political campaign was a fiasco, and at the end he drew only 30% of the votes.
- In the early to mid 1990s when it became apparent that this initial stimulus to the private market had been a costly fiasco, there was a considerable consumer backlash.
- The show was a fiasco - the lights wouldn't work, one actor forgot his lines and another fell off the stage.
- Despite hundreds of false testimonies and the plethora of fabricated evidence, the indictment is turning into a fiasco.