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feud - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of feud in Hindi

  • झगड़ा
  • अदावत
  • सामंत
  • चिरस्थायी कलह
  • सांघातिक विरोध
  • कुलवैर
  • झगड़ा
  • कलह
  • पुश्तैनी दुश्मनी

feud Definition


  • a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute.


  • take part in a prolonged quarrel or conflict.


  • feudal.
  • feudalism.

feud Example

  • the long-standing feud between two noble families. ( दो कुलीन परिवारों के बीच लंबे समय से चली आ रही लड़ाई। )
  • Relatives claim that a feud with white racists, which they say police ignored, points to something more sinister. ( रिश्तेदारों का दावा है कि श्वेत नस्लवादियों के साथ एक झगड़ा, जिसे वे कहते हैं कि पुलिस ने अनदेखा किया, कुछ और भयावह होने की ओर इशारा करता है। )
  • The feud continued when Montag refused to be photographed with Conrad for season three promotional photographs. ( विवाद तब जारी रहा जब मोंटाग ने सीजन तीन प्रचार तस्वीरों के लिए कॉनराड के साथ फोटो खिंचवाने से इनकार कर दिया। )
  • They are separated and have been separated by long feuds in the past. ( वे अलग हो गए हैं और अतीत में लंबे झगड़ों से अलग हो चुके हैं। )
  • Tupac stoked the feud, claiming to have slept with Biggie Smalls's wife, Smalls threatened to get his own back. ( टुपैक ने विवाद को तेज कर दिया, यह दावा करते हुए कि वह बिग्गी स्मॉल की पत्नी के साथ सो गया था, स्मॉल ने खुद को वापस पाने की धमकी दी। )
  • Despite Heidi Montag's feud with The Hills co-star Lauren Conrad, the MTV reality series goes on. ( द हिल्स के सह-कलाकार लॉरेन कॉनराड के साथ हेइडी मोंटाग के झगड़े के बावजूद, एमटीवी रियलिटी श्रृंखला जारी है। )

More Sentence

  • There is a long standing feud between mine and my cousin’s families, which is why neither of us will attend the other family’s weddings.
  • After the feud he refused to allow Jamila to visit her parents.
  • The fourth season was rather awkward, as Richie and Hilton were involved in a very public feud and no longer speaking to one another.
  • Some people claim that there is a family feud between the Bush and Clinton families, but I think that they get along just fine.
  • Relatives claim that a feud with white racists, which they say police ignored, points to something more sinister.
  • They want a finish to the feud ... and a different ending.
  • Whatever is said, it has been a feud.
  • There is a story that neatly captures the character and instincts of the two performers involved in the supposed feud.
  • Everybody knows we have a feud.
  • The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease the Brooke and Stephanie feud and answer the question of who will Ridge love next?
  • However, mediation is also applied to victims and offenders, bullying in schools, family feuds, divorce, domestic violence and commercial and industrial disputes.
  • When the feud broke out into the open, it exposed a slew of corruption charges from both camps.
  • Wish You Were Here - Izzie finally confides her problems in Alex while Cristina and Meredith feud.
  • They were innocent victims; they had no connection whatsoever with the ancient feuds that light these hatreds and have kept them burning for so long.
  • Fears of a feud between the rival republican groups has also hardened positions.
  • During this time, Owens began to feud with the head office and coaching staff for the team.
  • Her comments landed her in the thick of a family feud.
  • Her feud with fellow OC Housewife Gretchen Rossi has been a multi-season storyline on the show.
  • He yearned for conciliation—for the reconciliation of the feuds of centuries; he yearned passionately for it.
  • Henry's eldest son married Agnes, Barbarossa's niece and the Guelph and Ghibelline feud was thus brought to a close.