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fester - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fester in Hindi

  • फोड़ा
  •  पकाव
  • पीप पड़ना


  • सड़ना
  • पीप से भर जाना
  • घाव पकना
  • घाव
  • पीब बनना
  • व्रण
  • पूतिस्राव होना

fester Definition


  • (of a wound or sore) become septic; suppurate.

fester Example

  • The upshot is that the conglomerates and the government have a perverse incentive to allow the system to continue to fester.
  • Kept under wraps in deference to " political correctness, " the discontent will only fester.
  • I know my anger will fester if I don’t tell my husband how I really feel.
  • We should deal with these problems now instead of allowing them to fester.
  • Neither was deterred by the fact that the inevitable visceral animus they are fueling among voters has five more months to fester.
  • Don't shove that feeling down; it's important that you give voice to that anger because otherwise, it'll just fester.
  • If Jill stops taking her anxiety medicine, her fears will fester to the point she will be afraid to leave her home.
  • After affected part is injured, return but because of infection fester.
  • Unless confidences are shared within a trusting team, problems often fester and subsequently explode.
  • Wounds will fester if the inflammation is not reduced in time.
  • A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever.
  • If allowed to fester, stress can eventually cause more severe health issues, including diseases and health complications.
  • Without treatment and rest, my sprained ankle has continued to fester and is now black and blue in color.
  • Such wild fluctuations leave the country rudderless and allow problems to fester.
  • It can corrade glass, burn skin and make skin fester and make injury hard to heal up.
  • Hate can quickly fester and grow, and even one incident can be a warning sign of a larger problem.
  • Japan's government, by contrast, allowed its bad - debt problem to fester.
  • It has been given a lot of room to fester and mutate into new variants as vaccination rates across the world remain low.
  • With dreams deferred, can angry whites do what Langston Hughes taught us—to let it fester like a sore, even to let sag like a heavy load?
  • This gap and others allow contaminants to fester in schools across the state.