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feeler - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of feeler in Hindi

  • मूंछ


  • भेदिया
  • स्पर्श-सुत्र
  • देख-भाल करनेवाला सिपाही
  • टटोल
  • शोशा

feeler Definition

  • an animal organ such as an antenna or palp that is used for testing things by touch or for searching for food.

feeler Example

  • The feeler material must be harder than the material that is checked ( hardened pins ). ( फीलर सामग्री चेक की गई सामग्री (कठोर पिन) की तुलना में कठिन होनी चाहिए। )
  • Many gouramis have an elongated, feeler-like ray at the front of each of their pelvic fins. ( कई लौकी के प्रत्येक पैल्विक पंख के सामने एक लम्बी, महसूस करने वाली किरण होती है। )
  • The head varies greatly in shape, and the feelers have usually but few segments - often only four or five. ( सिर आकार में बहुत भिन्न होता है, और महसूस करने वालों के पास आमतौर पर कुछ खंड होते हैं - अक्सर केवल चार या पांच। )
  • A grasshopper jumped on Zhus foot. It thought it find a warm place, and feeler there. ( एक टिड्डा झूस के पैर पर कूद पड़ा। उसने सोचा कि यह एक गर्म जगह, और वहां महसूस करने वाला है। )

More Sentence

  • They seem interested in a peace settlement and have begun putting out feelers.
  • The beetles have feelers with eleven segments, whereof the terminal few are thickened so as to form a club.
  • Wemar offers more deepen and much higher quality precision feeler gauge and shim for you.
  • Too many associates come into the big firms and feeler are led to feel-that they are only here to learn a trade.
  • The feelers with twelve to fifteen segments are thread-like and straight.
  • I beg you, when this is all over, unless you have got a real winner, not to be tempted by any more of these feelers.
  • I bus-hopped down to Covent Garden to start putting the feelers out for Werewolf.
  • The feelers of these insects are elongate and thread-like, consisting of from a dozen to nearly thirty segments.
  • No peace could be settled by feelers.
  • They have feeler-like leading rays and extensions from each fin ray.
  • Sea-anglers dot the foreshore, unter.
  • The curious Nemopteridae have slender feelers and very long strap-shaped hind-wings.
  • In the actual tactile sensor, the columnar feeler is supported by a hole of a stainless steel sheet.
  • A grasshopper jumped on Zhus foot. It thought it find a warm place, and feeler there.
  • They are most common on the head, while they constitute the " whiskers," or " feelers," of the cats and many rodents.
  • The half of the actor who 'does not forget' himself is the knower, the half who 'becomes the character' is the feeler.
  • That's the male, inserting sperm into the female, using its feeler called a palp.
  • The little feelers at the front of this ladies silver jewelry item round-off a delightful brooch.
  • Relationship between horizontal displacement of the conical feeler and shearing force.
  • Wemar offers more deepen and much higher quality precision feeler gauge and shim for you.
  • The feelers are usually longer in the male than in the female, exceeding in some cases by many times the length of the body.
  • Kosar has turned down feelers to run for public office.