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feel-good - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of feel-good in Hindi

अच्छा लगना

feel-good Definition


  • causing a feeling of happiness and well-being.

feel-good Example

  • a feel-good movie (एक फील गुड मूवी)
  • You're trying to make me feel good again. (आप मुझे फिर से अच्छा महसूस कराने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।)
  • We feel good in crowds, we have a revulsion for feeling ' out of place '. (हम भीड़ में अच्छा महसूस करते हैं, हमें 'बाहर की जगह' महसूस करने के लिए घृणा होती है।
  • By following directions accurately, you can feel good about providing a safe and comfortable place for your baby to sleep. (निर्देशों का सही ढंग से पालन करके, आप अपने बच्चे को सोने के लिए एक सुरक्षित और आरामदायक जगह प्रदान करने के बारे में अच्छा महसूस कर सकती हैं।)
  • You could say that these are the rock version of the scissor sisters with their up-tempo feel good electro rock pop sound. (आप कह सकते हैं कि ये कैंची बहनों के रॉक संस्करण हैं, उनके अप-टेम्पो फील गुड इलेक्ट्रो रॉक पॉप साउंड के साथ।)
  • Getting sporty Get those feel good chemicals pumping around your body by exercising regularly. (स्पोर्टी होना नियमित व्यायाम करके अपने शरीर के चारों ओर पंप करने वाले अच्छे रसायनों को महसूस करें।)
  • As soon as I started to feel good about myself again, I began to eat more healthily and I got stronger. (जैसे ही मैंने अपने बारे में फिर से अच्छा महसूस करना शुरू किया, मैंने और अधिक स्वस्थ खाना शुरू कर दिया और मैं मजबूत हो गया।)
  • When he summons up the inner strength to ask for a cola, you can't help but feel good for the guy. (जब वह कोला मांगने के लिए आंतरिक शक्ति को बुलाता है, तो आप मदद नहीं कर सकते लेकिन उस लड़के के लिए अच्छा महसूस कर सकते हैं।)
  • As the song goes, "There's nothing like the real thing, baby," to make you feel good about yourself. (जैसा कि गीत जाता है, "असली चीज़ जैसा कुछ नहीं है, बेबी," आपको अपने बारे में अच्छा महसूस कराने के लिए।)
  • It is generally considered to be one of the funniest, most genuinely feel-good films in years. (इसे आम तौर पर वर्षों में सबसे मजेदार, सबसे वास्तविक रूप से फील-गुड फिल्मों में से एक माना जाता है।)

More sentences

  • A genuine feelgood movie that will have mature adults queuing for tickets.
  • This film has an enjoyable feelgood factor, plus also heartfelt poignancy as well, among the young excitable characters in the community.
  • Benefit's Dr. Feelgood is a popular primer.
  • They had a run of hit records in the 1980s that started with Shout at the Devil in 1983 and ended with the Grammy nominated Dr. Feelgood in 1989.
  • Some of their most popular songs include Girls, Girls, Girls, Shout at the Devil, Too Young to Fall in Love, Home Sweet Home, Kickstart My Heart, Dr. Feelgood and Without You.
  • Four albums are tabbed in their entirety, including Dr. Feelgood, Too Fast For Love, Shout at the Devil and Theatre of Pain.
  • They had a fluctuating lineup, but managed to become, by their reckoning, the second most popular band on the circuit, after Dr. Feelgood, the undisputed kings of pub-rock.
  • It may be based on true events but its feel-good intentions often feel formulaic and it sometimes seems to lack the courage of its convictions. Copy  
  • Catering to this segment, the television channel has decided to bring to screen a feel-good story of an underdog. Copy  
  • But to be honest, I found it wickedly funny, except for the mushy feel-good end. Copy  
  • He presents us with a feel-good spiritualism without any specific obligations. Copy  
  • They have seen the feel-good movies that captured the spirit of the good old days. Copy  
  • It's a cheerful feel-good story about offering sick children hope and happiness.