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fee - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fee in Hindi


  • शुल्क
  • फ़ीस
  • वेतन
  • फीस
  • मेहनताना देना
  • मजदूरी देना
  • पारिश्रमिक


  • शुल्क देना
  • फ़ीस देना
  • परखाना

fee Definition


  • a payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services.
  • an estate of land, especially one held on condition of feudal service.


  • make a payment to (someone) in return for services.

fee Example

  • the gallery charges an admission fee (गैलरी एक प्रवेश शुल्क लेती है)
  • The repairman charged him a huge fee.(मरम्मत करने वाले ने उससे भारी शुल्क लिया।)
  • We pay a small fee every month. (हम हर महीने एक छोटा सा शुल्क देते हैं।)
  • She charges a flat fee for house calls. (वह हाउस कॉल के लिए एक फ्लैट शुल्क लेती है।)
  • I didn't have to pay the full fee. (मुझे पूरी फीस नहीं देनी पड़ी।)
  • He charged me a reduced fee for his error. (उसने मुझसे अपनी गलती के लिए कम शुल्क लिया।)
  • There is an additional fee for this option (इस विकल्प के लिए एक अतिरिक्त शुल्क है)
  • She had to pay a late fee on her bills. (उसे अपने बिलों पर विलंब शुल्क का भुगतान करना पड़ा।)
  •  What's the admission fee? (प्रवेश शुल्क क्या है?)
  • How much is the entrance fee? (प्रवेश शुल्क कितना है?)
  • They announced an increase in tuition fees. (उन्होंने ट्यूशन फीस बढ़ाने की घोषणा की।)
  • There is no admission fee for children under five. (पांच साल से कम उम्र के बच्चों के लिए कोई प्रवेश शुल्क नहीं है।)

More sentences

  • What's the daily fee?
  • We suggest raising the fees. 
  • How much is the entrance fee? 
  • The bank fees are killing me.
  • The lawyer's fee was very high. 
  • You must pay the admission fee here.
  • How much is the annual membership fee?
  • He is remunerated for his services by a fixed fee for each day the court sits.
  • It was a member of the Honour of Clitheroe and a fee of the royal manor of Tottington, which soon after the Conquest was held by the Lacys.
  • The fee charged for the use of public telephone call offices is 2d.
  • He told Simonides he was only going to pay him half the fee and if he wanted the other half, he should collect it from Castor and Pollux.
  • The tithe was an oppressive form of taxation, as were the various fees pp ?
  • In 1746 he graduated as M.D., the fees being remitted at Schultens's intercession.