feature - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of feature in Hindi
- लक्षण
- आकृति
- वैशिष्टय
- नाटयरूपक
- महत्त्वपूर्ण लेख
- रूप
- प्रकट दिखलाना
- विशिष्ट होना
- प्रकट करना
- प्रमुख होना
feature Definition
- a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
- a newspaper or magazine article or a broadcast program devoted to the treatment of a particular topic, typically at length.
- have as a prominent attribute or aspect.
feature Example
- his later paintings feature prominently in the exhibition.(उनके बाद के चित्रों को प्रदर्शनी में प्रमुखता से दिखाया गया है।)
- a feature on Detroit's downtown fishery.(डेट्रॉइट के डाउनटाउन मत्स्य पालन पर एक विशेषता।)
- Her eyes are her most striking feature.(उसकी आंखें उसकी सबसे खास विशेषता हैं।)
- Striped tails are a common feature of many animals.(धारीदार पूंछ कई जानवरों की एक सामान्य विशेषता है।)
- Televisions are a standard feature in most hotel rooms.(अधिकांश होटल के कमरों में टेलीविजन एक मानक विशेषता है।)
- Their candor is a very pleasing feature.(उनकी स्पष्टवादिता एक बहुत ही मनभावन विशेषता है।)
- His eyes are his most notable feature.(उनकी आंखें उनकी सबसे उल्लेखनीय विशेषता हैं।)
More sentences
- Her favorite feature, her eyes, had always been a pretty shade of turquoise.
- What do you consider the model's best feature to be?
- What physical feature does he like best about you?
- A snowy night closed upon the world, and in the morning one could scarcely recognize a feature of the landscape.
- Kate has very good features.
- He has very regular features.
- His nose is his best feature.
- Her eyes are her best feature.
- An interesting feature of the city is the old market.
- Her eyes are her best feature.
- The dominant feature of the room was the large open fireplace.