fear - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fear in Hindi
- डर
- भय
- आशंका
- चिंता
- शंका
- संत्रास
- झिझक
- त्रास
- रोब
- झझक
- खटका
fear Definition
- an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
- be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.
fear Example
- drivers are threatening to quit their jobs in fear after a cabby's murder.(कैब चालक की हत्या के डर से चालक नौकरी छोड़ने की धमकी दे रहे हैं।)
- the love and fear of God.(परमेश्वर का प्रेम और भय।)
- he urged his listeners to fear God.(उसने अपने श्रोताओं से परमेश्वर का भय मानने का आग्रह किया।)
- I fear for the city with this madman let loose in it.(मैं इस पागल आदमी के साथ शहर के लिए डरता हूं।)
- they aim to make war so horrific that potential aggressors will fear to resort to it.(उनका लक्ष्य युद्ध को इतना भयानक बनाना है कि संभावित हमलावर इसका सहारा लेने से डरेंगे।)
- she could observe the other guests without too much fear of attracting attention.(वह ध्यान आकर्षित करने के बहुत अधिक डर के बिना अन्य मेहमानों को देख सकती थी।)
- he said he didn't care about life so why should he fear death?(उसने कहा कि उसे जीवन की परवाह नहीं है तो वह मृत्यु से क्यों डरे?)
- fear of increasing unemployment.(बेरोजगारी बढ़ने का डर)
- farmers fear that they will lose business.(किसानों को डर है कि वे व्यापार खो देंगे।)
- I'll buy her book, though not, I fear, the hardback version.(मैं उसकी किताब खरीदूंगा, हालांकि नहीं, मुझे डर है, हार्डबैक संस्करण।)
More sentences
- For the first time since he began his sick games, Jenn felt genuine fear trickle through her.
- Choking down fear, she climbed inside and sat down in the luxurious leather seat.
- Her heart was pounding and it wasn't only fear of the storm.
- I think her biggest fear was that she'd lose him.
- They did not smile nor did they frown, or show either fear or surprise or curiosity or friendliness.
- Then came the arrest, and with it the fear of being questioned by the police.
- I could no longer hide my fear.
- He understood her fear.
- Right now she wanted to go there — to get away from this fear.
- I saw the fear in Tom's eyes.
- Tom could no longer hide his fear.
- Tom was suddenly overcome by fear.
- I don't want to live my life in fear.
- Tom had a fear that he would fall down.
- Do no through fear of poverty surrender liberty.
- Fear is often greater than the danger.
- Knowledge is the antidote to fear.
- The fear of ill exceeds the ills we fear.
- Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
- I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts.
- Do not through fear of poverty surrender liberty.
- Riches bring care and fear.