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fauna - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fauna in Hindi

  • पशुवर्ग
  • पशु
  • जीवजंतु
  • किसी प्रदेश के पशुवर्ग
  • पशुवर्णन

fauna Definition


  • the animals of a particular region, habitat, or geological period.

fauna Example

  • the flora and fauna of Siberia (साइबेरिया के वनस्पति और जीव)
  • They display a rich and characteristic assortment of flora and fauna. (वे वनस्पतियों और जीवों का एक समृद्ध और विशिष्ट वर्गीकरण प्रदर्शित करते हैं।)
  • Hungry fauna and carping critics are both part of this process. (भूखे जीव और कार्पिंग आलोचक दोनों इस प्रक्रिया का हिस्सा हैं।)
  • More expensive, custom-designed finials include flora and fauna. (अधिक महंगे, कस्टम-डिज़ाइन किए गए फ़ाइनल में वनस्पति और जीव शामिल हैं।)
  • The forests are rich in animal life and flora and fauna. (वन पशु जीवन और वनस्पतियों और जीवों में समृद्ध हैं।)
  • Numerous precious flora and fauna have perished and are still perishing. (कई कीमती वनस्पतियां और जीव-जंतु नष्ट हो गए हैं और अभी भी नष्ट हो रहे हैं।)
  • Egypt's record in protecting its fauna is not good. (अपने जीवों की रक्षा करने में मिस्र का रिकॉर्ड अच्छा नहीं है।)
  • Rich flora and fauna adds to the beauty of this land. (समृद्ध वनस्पति और जीव इस भूमि की सुंदरता में चार चांद लगाते हैं।)
  • Shellfish and other non-fish water fauna are not kosher. (शंख और अन्य गैर-मछली जल जीव कोषेर नहीं हैं।)
  • During the preceding Pliocene, continents had continued to marsupial fauna. (पूर्ववर्ती प्लियोसीन के दौरान, महाद्वीपों ने दलदली जीवों को जारी रखा था।)

More sentences

  • Asia, the same fauna extending in Siberia as far as the Yenisei and the Lena.
  • The fauna of the peninsula is varied and no less profuse than is the vegetable life.
  • The origin of the fauna and flora of Australia has attracted considerable attention.
  • The fauna of the scrub in the river valleys is decidedly rich, and includes aquatic birds.
  • The scene depicts a forest, with flora and fauna changing with the seasons.
  • The result is a digitized display of flora, fauna and visual effects.
  • New flora and fauna find homes here; the weather, even the climate, changes.
  • We seem to be discovering here a mythic fauna not far removed from that provided in the descriptions of Aristeas.
  • Dinosaurs also had a larger digestive tract that seemed to have co-evolved with the changes in Earth's flora and fauna.
  • In addition to spray drift, intensive farming has a destructive effect on the surrounding fauna and flora.
  • The forest’s fauna are safeguarded by local wildlife life protection laws.  
  • Tropical rainforest fauna includes toucans, butterflies, and many other types of animals.  
  • Camels and other desert fauna have learned to adopt to the hot climate and lack of water.  
  • Forrest logging has led to the destruction of the habitats of fauna in the area.  
  • Flora and fauna were overflowing in the valley, with each plant and animal species living in harmony.