fattening - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fattening in Hindi
fattening Definition
- (of a food) causing an increase in the weight of someone who eats it.
fattening Example
- You need fattening up a bit. (आपको थोड़ा मोटा करने की जरूरत है।)
- We substitute margarine for cream because cream is fattening. (हम क्रीम के लिए मार्जरीन को प्रतिस्थापित करते हैं क्योंकि क्रीम मेद है।)
- Herds are fattening on the early clover. (शुरुआती तिपतिया घास पर झुंड मेद कर रहे हैं।)
- Some foods are more fattening than others. (कुछ खाद्य पदार्थ दूसरों की तुलना में अधिक वसायुक्त होते हैं।)
- Fats are the most fattening foods of all. (वसा सभी में सबसे अधिक वसायुक्त भोजन है।)
- For example, if this diet is very fattening, John will tend to gain more than you will. (उदाहरण के लिए, यदि यह आहार बहुत मोटा है, तो जॉन आपकी इच्छा से अधिक लाभ प्राप्त करेगा।)
- Carbohydrates are not fattening, potatoes contain no fat at all! (कार्बोहाइड्रेट वसा नहीं कर रहे हैं, आलू में वसा बिल्कुल नहीं है!)
- In this manner, holding and fattening smaller tilapia is comparable with livestock holdings. (इस प्रकार, छोटे तिलपिया को धारण करना और मोटा करना पशुधन जोत के साथ तुलनीय है।)
More sentences
- The doctor has advised him to keep off fattening food.
- Pasta is not as fattening as people think it is.
- I have shewn middle class respectability… fattening on the poverty of the slum as flies fatten on filth.
- Fats are by far the most fattening foods of all.
- They’re fattening up nicely.
- I feel the need for another fattening snack.
- Cattle fattening on the coastal marshes supported a prosperous peasantry as in Lincolnshire.
- I do try to keep away from fattening foods, but my greatest weakness is chocolate cake.
- Banks would lend money more freely and, in fattening their own balance sheets, would feed credit-starved economies.
- I shouldn't have any more of this cake. It's way too fattening.
- He believed the guards were fattening him up to be eaten.
- It has espresso, sandwiches and everything that's fattening.
- Myth : Pasta, potatoes and other starchy foods are fattening.
- It's difficult to see fattening in a sentence .
- Nice roomy cages, fattening food, careful breeding, no worry.
- I just loved all food, and I especially loved fattening food.
- Corn is directly attributable to the fattening of the American Diet.
- Won't do you a bit of harm, though you could do with a bit of fattening