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fascinate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fascinate in Hindi

  • रिझाना
  • मोहित करना
  • रिझाना
  • जादू करना
  • आकर्षण करना
  • वशीभूत करना
  • मोह लेना

fascinate Definition


  • draw irresistibly the attention and interest of (someone)

fascinate Example

  • The sky was sparkly enough to fascinate her.(आकाश उसे मोहित करने के लिए पर्याप्त चमकीला था।)
  • Each can fascinate a child and spark his or her imagination as a toddler.(प्रत्येक बच्चे को मोहित कर सकता है और एक बच्चे के रूप में उसकी कल्पना को जगा सकता है।)
  • Dating back more than 3000 years, the monument, a gift from the people of Egypt, is adorned with hieroglyphics and will fascinate visitors.(3000 साल से भी अधिक पुराना, यह स्मारक, मिस्र के लोगों का एक उपहार, चित्रलिपि से सजाया गया है और आगंतुकों को आकर्षित करेगा।)
  • From the Samsung Fascinate to the BlackBerry Bold 9650, your options are more plentiful than ever.(Samsung Fascinate से लेकर BlackBerry Bold 9650 तक, आपके विकल्प पहले से कहीं अधिक भरपूर हैं।)
  • The two could dance the same routine - and often did - but fascinate the audience just with the ways differing bodies looked performing the same movement.(दोनों एक ही दिनचर्या में नृत्य कर सकते थे - और अक्सर करते थे - लेकिन दर्शकों को उसी तरह से आकर्षित करते थे जिस तरह से अलग-अलग शरीर एक ही आंदोलन करते हुए दिखते थे)

More sentence

  • Fascinated by the cool, smooth texture of its shell, she bumped into the counter.
  • The way poetry was presented to readers also fascinated me.
  • Toby was awake and sitting, fascinated by Lankha.s soft hands.
  • We got talking and I was fascinated.
  • Fascinated by the texture of his palm, she took and held his hand up until she was able to see the roughness of his calloused palm.
  • My theme fascinated me, and I was haunted with wilderness images day and night."
  • He displaced Berengar, and was so fascinated by Queen Adelaide that within a few weeks he was married to her at Pavia.
  • He charmed men by his sweet singing of Psalms, and children were always fascinated by him.
  • He was fascinated especially by Neoplatonism, and this fascination never left him.
  • It was hard to look at his face without being fascinated by the color of his eyes.
  • She watched, fascinated, as the storm crept closer.
  • I've always been fascinated with them.
  • The sky fascinated Dean.
  • Xander was instantly fascinated by the sensation of downy fur and cotton spun so finely, it was like silk.