fantastically - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fantastically in Hindi
fantastically Definition
- extraordinarily well.
- in a strange or exotic way.
fantastically Example
- the whole show was fantastically twisted ( पूरा शो काल्पनिक रूप से मुड़ गया था )
- every single player performed fantastically ( हर एक खिलाड़ी ने शानदार प्रदर्शन किया )
- When choosing your fantastically fancy hair for prom, there are several things to keep in mind. ( प्रोम के लिए अपने शानदार फैंसी बालों को चुनते समय, कई बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। )
- Don't miss the tropical house, where fantastically beautiful hummingbirds come right up close to you. ( उष्णकटिबंधीय घर को याद न करें, जहां काल्पनिक रूप से सुंदर हमिंगबर्ड आपके करीब आते हैं। )
More Sentence
- When you throw in fun visuals, colorful characters, and all sorts of great musical trivia in a fantastically designed game show format, you know that you've yourself a winner.
- Just wanted to add my hearty congrats to you and Matt for entertaining me so fantastically from the day the show started.
- Most of the fantastically talented people I know were disasters within the rigid confines of schools and universities.
- That kind of attitude is too fantastically fastidious altogether.
- These too are fantastically decorated with feathers, usually of the loon.
- A grimy figure approached like a man fantastically imitating some animal.
- Angles are thrown fantastically by some mad geometer, it would seem.
- In Gordon strength and weakness were most fantastically mingled.
- No outline was soft or blurred, everything was vividly, fantastically real.
- The fantastically detailed animation and cliff hanging story lines captured the imagination and became essential viewing for a generation.
- Take notes in style with this fantastically imaginative notebook.
- Secret Of Success - this premium rate telephone service has proved fantastically profitable for one important reason.
- His satirical sideswipe at white, middle class, suburban America was wickedly funny, fantastically well observed and perfectly cast.
- It's a fantastically bright place with a huge window down one side, creating a tranquil and almost spiritual atmosphere.
- his power was increasing fantastically
- a fantastically expensive gift