
falsified - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of falsified in Hindi

  • हेरफेर की गई


  • मिथ्या सिद्ध करना
  • कपट करना
  • झूठ कहना

falsified Definition


  • alter (information or evidence) so as to mislead.
  • prove (a statement or theory) to be false.

falsified Example

  • The result has falsified all sinister forebodings. ( परिणाम ने सभी भयावह पूर्वाभासों को गलत साबित कर दिया है। )
  • But the preaching of the false Jewish Christians gained the upper hand; nay, they even falsified the evangelical oracles and the letters of Paul. ( परन्तु झूठे यहूदी मसीहियों के प्रचार ने प्रबलता प्राप्त की; नहीं, यहाँ तक कि उन्होंने सुसमाचार प्रचार के वचनों और पौलुस के पत्रों को भी झुठलाया। )
  • This calculation was falsified by events. ( इस गणना को घटनाओं द्वारा गलत ठहराया गया था। )
  • Probably no examples surpass those on the west doors of Notre Dame in Paris - unhappily much falsified by restoration. ( संभवत: पेरिस में नॉट्रे डेम के पश्चिमी दरवाजों पर उन उदाहरणों से बढ़कर कोई उदाहरण नहीं है - दुर्भाग्य से बहाली से बहुत अधिक गलत है। )

More Sentence

  • To the last he believed that the attacking force would at least have spared his house, which contained official records of priceless value, but he was doomed to see his faith falsified.
  • Cobden has left a deep mark on English history, but he was not himself a "scientific economist," and many of his confident prophecies were completely falsified.
  • Moral judgements cannot be verified or falsified by scientific procedures.
  • Sometimes they themselves had deliberately embellished and falsified the.
  • It was then found that the announced discovery was based on falsified data.
  • By presenting incorrect, falsified or unproven facts and other untruths as.
  • The age of the deceased as well as the cause of death of these bodies was falsified.
  • He had already tried her home planet and found that she had falsified her documents.
  • Suddenly, Taul realized that Myra's documents had been falsified and never discovered.
  • The falsification by the recording is the greater because it gives verisimilitude to what has already been falsified ' .
  • The falsification by the recording is the greater because it gives verisimilitude to what has already been falsified '.
  • But as the narrative is only exact in details down to the death of Frederick William, the great elector, in 1688, and as all prophecies of the period subsequent to that time were falsified by events, the poem came to be regarded as a compilation and the date of its authorship placed about the year 1684.