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faithfully - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of faithfully in Hindi

  • ईमानदारी
  • ईमानदारी से
  • निष्ठापूर्वक
  • सच्चे मन से
  • श्रद्धापूर्वक


  • भक्तिपूर्वक
  • सही
  • निष्कपट
  • ठीक

faithfully Definition


  • in a loyal manner.
  • in a manner that is true to the facts or the original.

faithfully Example

  • she translated the novel as faithfully as possible ( उन्होंने उपन्यास का यथासंभव ईमानदारी से अनुवाद किया )
  • And he did faithfully try to help me through. ( और उसने ईमानदारी से मेरी मदद करने की कोशिश की। )
  • You have been sowing in the kingdom faithfully. ( आप राज्य में ईमानदारी से बोते रहे हैं। )
  • Nautilus faithfully obeyed the hands of its helmsman. ( नॉटिलस ने ईमानदारी से अपने हेलसमैन के हाथों का पालन किया। )

More Sentence

  • Davis and her husband, Tom, also see Ross faithfully.
  • We take computers on vacation and faithfully check our voice mail.
  • The recorded sound, some lapses aside, is faithfully balanced.
  • For instance, Jim kept a to-do list faithfully.
  • We have adhered consistently and faithfully to those goals and objectives,
  • The pastor on the show questions God but serves God faithfully.
  • It's not just a matter of taking drugs faithfully.
  • However, the good man had sown the seed faithfully and kindly.
  • Jason gave his promise freely, faithfully to do what Adam had asked of him.
  • But faithfully he kept his watch at the hospital, and Gabriel lived yet.
  • During the long, hot days that followed Sandy worked faithfully at the depot.
  • Keaeh Buzoorg Oomeid trod faithfully in the footprints of his predecessor.
  • A fac-simile of this inscription was faithfully delineated by Mr. Geo.
  • He was there as faithfully as the nuns and the priest.
  • Hostas faithfully rise again; so do day lilies and astilbes.
  • The family faithfully attended Friday prayers at the Ayatollah Saiidi Mosque.
  • It's difficult to see faithfully in a sentence .
  • The study found that the student messengers reported positive feedback faithfully.
  • He took them seriously, and followed them faithfully.
  • She belonged to Tom, completely, honestly faithfully.
  • This grim programme was but too faithfully executed.
  • Christ daily and by faithfully cooperating with the.
  • Its name faithfully reflects the color of its waters.
  • He had faithfully carried out all the provisions of the.
  • As a child I practiced all my lesson faithfully except the.
  • he swore that he would serve the king faithfully