fairground - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of fairground in Hindi
fairground Definition
- an outdoor area where a fair is held.
fairground Example
- To cheer themselves up the group go on a jolly jaunt to a local fairground. ( अपने आप को खुश करने के लिए समूह एक स्थानीय मेले के मैदान में एक जॉंट जॉंट पर जाता है। )
- Southend's Kursaal became the largest fairground in the south of England. ( साउथेंड का कुर्साल इंग्लैंड के दक्षिण में सबसे बड़ा मेला मैदान बन गया। )
- From the zoo, they'd somehow ended up at an old fairground on the outskirts of the city. ( चिड़ियाघर से, वे किसी तरह शहर के बाहरी इलाके में एक पुराने मेले के मैदान में पहुँचे। )
- The traditional fairground carousel was a big hit with approximately 5,000 rides being given away during the day. ( पारंपरिक मेला ग्राउंड हिंडोला एक बड़ी हिट थी जिसमें दिन के दौरान लगभग 5,000 सवारी दी जाती थीं। )
More Sentence
- We saw people which wore Victorian clothes, shops and a Victorian fairground.
- The fairground proper was edged by a low dry-stone.
- They passed through the priory gates into the wide fairground.
- If he has a passion for old fairground rides you can bet that.
- They left the fairground and walked to the north end of the town.
- Beyond the stalls of the main square was a tiny fairground, with.
- Thinking about the fairground rides for a moment, this is a good.
- Dick Brewer had several carts in different locations in the fairground.
- Owning fairground rides is not a need - it is a strategy for filling a need.
- But, before she and Caris reached the fairground, they met Gwenda’s father.
- The interior houses a large indoor fairground run by the Wilkie family.
- Another new activity was a small fairground, using restored vintage fairground equipment and organized by IWA South London Branch's Dave Young.
- Later this month over 200,000 visitors are expected to descend on the trade exhibition fairground in Frankfurt to attend the 27th Achema.
- Or else you could visit the Seaside Park, crazy golf course, bouncy castles or summer fairground.
- Making a repeat visit to Corris - the fairground organ provided some of the atmosphere for us.