facilities - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of facilities in Hindi
- सामान
- रिआयत
- सुविधायां
- सामग्री
facilities Definition
- a place, amenity, or piece of equipment provided for a particular purpose.
- a natural ability to do or learn something well and easily.
facilities Example
- Did you open the supply facilities, too? ( क्या आपने आपूर्ति सुविधाएं भी खोली हैं? )
- And I need a micro with all emerops facilities between Tennessee and Colorado marked. ( और मुझे टेनेसी और कोलोराडो के बीच सभी emerops सुविधाओं के साथ एक माइक्रो की आवश्यकता है। )
- Two of which lead towards known emerops facilities about two to three days out. ( जिनमें से दो ज्ञात emerops सुविधाओं के बारे में दो से तीन दिन बाहर ले जाते हैं। )
- The camping facilities were secondary to the main park functions, multiple ball fields, tennis courts and twenty-four horse shoe pits, for the serious pitcher. ( गंभीर पिचर के लिए कैंपिंग सुविधाएं मुख्य पार्क कार्यों, कई बॉल फील्ड, टेनिस कोर्ट और चौबीस घोड़े के जूते के गड्ढे के लिए माध्यमिक थीं। )
More Sentence
- Bathing facilities are good.
- He rightly insisted on the facilities of communication created by the Roman empire, but did not emphasize the diffusion of Judaism.
- I've positioned enough Others around the underground facilities we found to wipe out his vamps overnight.
- When walking through the facilities of.
- With plenty of onboard facilities, Club.
- The facilities were hopelessly inadequate.
- It’s a no-no in most secure facilities.
- A tour of the STS facilities reveals expan-.
- They were on their way to the facilities of.
- Overdraft facilities are allowed in current.
- Long Term Care Facilities and Home Health Care.
- Those include the completion of facilities here.
- Three facilities were in nearby Swanzy; a town where we'd considered buying a home what seemed like years, not months, ago.
- The emerops facilities were placed strategically, with one never more than two days from the next closest depot.
- The prosperity of the city depends on that of the rich mining country about it, on a very extensive wholesale trade, for which its situation and railway facilities admirably fit it, and on its large manufacturing and farming interests.
- Here, easy accessibility, great ice in a deep, narrow gorge, facilities close by and a park run by people who understood the sport and emphasized safety, made for an ideal package.
- A few of more of the feds' secret supply facilities were found today.