face facts - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of face facts in Hindi
- तथ्यों का सामना करें
- कार्य को घबड़ा देना
face facts Definition
face facts Example
- We might as well face facts _ prunes are not glamorous. ( हम तथ्यों का भी सामना कर सकते हैं _ prunes ग्लैमरस नहीं हैं। )
- The message said, " Bill, face facts ." ( संदेश में कहा गया है, "बिल, फेस फैक्ट्स।" )
- Davis'voice trailed off, but he's facing facts. ( डेविस की आवाज बंद हो गई, लेकिन वह तथ्यों का सामना कर रहा है। )
- I am actually facing facts that only I am completely aware of, ( मैं वास्तव में उन तथ्यों का सामना कर रहा हूं जिनसे केवल मैं ही पूरी तरह वाकिफ हूं, )
More Sentence
- Now a jury may force the city to face facts.
- "Let's face facts, " he said.
- Facing Facts : Realism in American Thought and Culture.
- First of all, let's face facts.
- Before you begin, you're going to have to face the fact that your laptop might be dead.
- But it had to face facts on Election Day.
- "Let's face facts,"
- It is obvious from the mechanics of ENSO events that there is greater evaporation during a La Nina yet your «ego» can't face the fact you are wrong.
- It's difficult to see face facts in a sentence .
- Denton thinks it's time to face facts.
- Sometimes it's clearly time to face facts.
- Holbrooke said . " We must face facts.
- "Let's face facts, it's stupidity,"