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fabulous - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of fabulous in Hindi

  • शानदार
  • कृत्रिम
  • काल्पन का
  • झूठा

fabulous Definition

  • extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large. ( असाधारण, विशेष रूप से असाधारण रूप से बड़े। )

fabulous Example

  • While the workers and the middle class of the great cities perished in misery, Stinnes became the owner of fabulous riches. ( जबकि मज़दूर और महान शहरों के मध्यम वर्ग दुख में डूबे हुए थे, स्टिन्नेस शानदार धन के स्वामी बन गए। )
  • Naturally, the promise of such fabulous wealth has attracted scores or treasure hunters to the island in the past. ( स्वाभाविक रूप से, इस तरह के शानदार धन के वादे ने अतीत में स्कोर या खजाना शिकारी को द्वीप पर आकर्षित किया है। )
  • The champagne flowed, the food was fabulous , the company wonderful. ( शैंपेन बहती थी, भोजन शानदार था, कंपनी अद्भुत थी। )
  • The scams offer fabulous riches or the love of your life, but first the magha has to send a series of escalating fees and payments. ( घोटाले शानदार धन या आपके जीवन के प्यार की पेशकश करते हैं, लेकिन पहले माघ को फीस और भुगतान की एक श्रृंखला भेजनी होती है। )
  • I could pick any game, he's just been a fabulous influence and a wonderful player for his country. ( मैं किसी भी खेल को चुन सकता था, वह सिर्फ एक शानदार प्रभाव और अपने देश के लिए एक शानदार खिलाड़ी था। )

More Sentence

  • All in all it was a wonderful week of golf and fabulous television.
  • There are diving destinations so fabulous that they have become legendary.
  • Then as now the city was an unreal mixture of crushing poverty and fabulous wealth.
  • Then I would buy a second house, a holiday house in some fabulous place.
  • Of course they were marvellous, pulled the best boys in there, and were signed up for a fabulous six-week holiday right then.
  • There is sensational scenery, fabulous wildlife and air of unsurpassed clarity.
  • There's some truly fabulous stuff in these wonderful emporiums.
  • For thousands of years fabulous serpents and dragons have been the stuff of myth and traveller's tales.
  • It was overwhelming, around every corner another disgustingly famous and fabulous sight to see.
  • Reality is airbrushed and we're given promises of fabulous , mythical oases of futurity.
  • Thank you for a wonderful journal and for all of your fabulous writing.
  • You entered in your thousands - and now the countdown is on to announce the winner of a fabulous holiday cottage in Whitby.
  • I am totally satisfied with this workshop, it is fabulous and excellent.
  • Treating the family to a fabulous holiday is a secret dream of everyone.
  • At this time of year we have fabulous game, an excellent choice of seafood, the best root vegetables and also the tastiest orchard fruits.
  • According to legend, a fabulous treasure haul was buried on the island in 1715 by Spanish sailor Juan Esteban Ubilla-Echeverria.
  • When we returned from our fabulous Fiji vacation, back in September, I had quite a few posts about the food there I wanted to share.
  • There's a fabulous statue of Alice in Wonderland in Central Park.
  • It is said that from the dense forests nearby, wild beasts and fabulous birds like rocs harassed the Bagan people.
  • Wonderful vision and a fabulous touch mean that he always has an effect on the game.
  • In other news, I am making many new and wonderful chums at work, which is always fabulous .
  • It was a tie between the Marta from hell and his wonderful fabulous new wife.
  • I can promise an evening of excellent food, fabulous entertainment and great guests.
  • All the fabulous items and riches so earnestly sought and viciously competed for over the years, will be gone.
  • Rose looks absolutely fabulous in both the color and style of her longer choppy bob.