exuhilarate - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exuhilarate in Hindi
exuhilarate Definition
- make (someone) feel very happy, animated, or elated.
exuhilarate Example
- Achieving my weight loss goal is sure to exhilarate me. ( अपने वजन घटाने के लक्ष्य को हासिल करना निश्चित रूप से मुझे उत्साहित करेगा। )
- According to the author, the purpose of the novel is to exhilarate readers and leave them with happy thoughts. ( लेखक के अनुसार, उपन्यास का उद्देश्य पाठकों को प्रसन्न करना और उन्हें सुखद विचारों से छोड़ना है। )
- Dinner with my best friend never fails to exhilarate me. ( मेरे सबसे अच्छे दोस्त के साथ रात का खाना मुझे प्रसन्न करने में कभी विफल नहीं होता। )
- Marjorie's book will exhilarate you, because it is such a thorough de-masking of the indefensible. ( मार्जोरी की किताब आपको रोमांचित कर देगी, क्योंकि यह इस तरह के अशोभनीय का पूरी तरह से डी-मास्किंग है। )
More Sentence
- Clear and golden, with a velvety rich texture and a smooth taste, the Coulis Divin? products exhilarate the senses!
- This beautiful blend of knowledge and culture tickles your taste buds and exhilarate your senses.
- You can open this volume to any page and find sentences that surprise, cause laughter, exhilarate, and often do all three at once.
- A great sports car shouldn't just exhilarate, it should also inspire confidence.
- Both walking and climbing tours to the spectacular Lobhörner will exhilarate the visitor.
- Some museums, however, exhilarate – and none more than the living museum of today's Dresden, our next stop.
- Because Ellen loves chocolate, your gift of a chocolate cake will exhilarate her.
- The mountain trek will exhilarate tourists who love to challenge themselves.