exude - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exude in Hindi
- पसीजना
- चूना
- रसकर बहना
- पसीना निकलना
- चूना टपकना
exude Definition
- discharge (moisture or a smell) slowly and steadily.
- (of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly.
exude Example
- The whole of the green parts of the plant are covered with long soft hairs which exude a viscid juice, giving the surface a moist glutinous feeling. ( पौधे के पूरे हरे भाग लंबे मुलायम बालों से ढके होते हैं जो एक चिपचिपा रस निकालते हैं, जिससे सतह को एक नम चिपचिपापन महसूस होता है। )
- All the species exude resin, but no turpentine. ( सभी प्रजातियां राल को बाहर निकालती हैं, लेकिन कोई तारपीन नहीं। )
- You possess a sense of self-worth and you exude confidence. ( आपमें आत्म-मूल्य की भावना है और आप आत्मविश्वास का संचार करते हैं। )
More Sentence
- The surface of the leaf, especially the laminar wing, bears glands which in spring exude large glistening dr„ r, s of nectar.
- As such, you have to exude professionalism.
- o Grace, Maynard exuded honesty, hard work and toughness.
- It's difficult to see exude in a sentence .
- Mott exuded confidence that Cigar will top Citation's record.
- His stump speech exudes the optimism that serves his party well.
- She effortlessly exudes star authority while keeping star ego under wraps.
- I have never seen him exude anything but a relaxed air,
- Sexy: Fairies with scantier attire, sharper wings, and come hither expressions exude sex appeal.
- The first sign of the zodiac is a dynamic one, and the males of this fire sign exude attractive self-confidence that gets noticed.
- They exude a sense of modernity, yet there is a hint of classicism underneath it all that makes every piece quite timeless and extremely elegant.
- Egyptian design tattoos exude an air of mystery.
- It will also begin to exude a bad smell.