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extremities - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of extremities in Hindi


  • हाथ-पैर
  • हाथ-पांव

extremities Definition


  • the furthest point or limit of something.
  • the extreme degree or nature of something.

extremities Example

  • It is evident that, in such case, the string, while vibrating as a whole between its fixed extremities, is at the same time executing subsidiary oscillations about its middle point, its points B FIG. ( यह स्पष्ट है कि, ऐसे मामले में, स्ट्रिंग, अपने निश्चित छोरों के बीच समग्र रूप से कंपन करते हुए, उसी समय अपने मध्य बिंदु, इसके बिंदु B FIG के बारे में सहायक दोलनों को अंजाम दे रही है। )
  • Two pairs of muscles, apparently connected with the peduncle and its limited movements, have been minutely described by Hancock as having one of their extremities attached to this organ. ( मांसपेशियों के दो जोड़े, स्पष्ट रूप से पेडुंकल और इसके सीमित आंदोलनों से जुड़े हुए हैं, हैनकॉक द्वारा इस अंग से जुड़े उनके एक छोर के रूप में सूक्ष्म रूप से वर्णित किया गया है। )
  • The action depends upon the difference of the pressure on the liquid at the extremities of the tube, the flow being towards the lower level and ceasing when the levels coincide. ( कार्रवाई ट्यूब के छोर पर तरल पर दबाव के अंतर पर निर्भर करती है, प्रवाह निचले स्तर की ओर होता है और स्तरों के मेल खाने पर समाप्त हो जाता है। )
  • The extremity of Randall Terry's words is not unusual. ( रान्डेल टेरी के शब्दों की चरम सीमा असामान्य नहीं है। )

More Sentence

  • Frozen extremities will lead a shivering soul right to the bar. 
  • He's just about run out of extremities to hurt.
  • "They've seen movement in all four extremities.
  • It was the first movement of an extremity in a week.
  • The skin cracks, leaving the extremities vulnerable to secondary infections.
  • If an extremity is ailing, the whole body will suffer.
  • In his 50s, those extremities started giving him unusual pain.
  • Its capital was Pontoise on the eastern extremity of the county.
  • Dras and the Mushkoh Valley form the western extremity of Ladakh.
  • It's difficult to see extremities in a sentence .
  • If, for example, a knitting needle is stroked with the south pole of a magnet, the strokes being directed from the middle of the needle towards the two extremities alternately, the needle will acquire a north pole at each end and a south pole in the middle.
  • Its eastern and western extremities, however, receive more rain, the former being well forested, while the latter is covered with grassy cameos.
  • The Tatra Mountains extend through the Hungarian counties of Lipt6 and Szepes, and with their northern extremities also through the Austrian crownland of Galicia, and have a length of 4 o m.
  • The former is white, but the whole of the extremities - viz.
  • This discharge, which is identical with the " brush " discharge of laboratory experiments, usually appears as a tip of light on the extremities of pointed objects such as church towers, the masts of ships, or even the fingers of the outstretched hand: it is commonly accompanied by a crackling or fizzing noise.
  • In severe cases the pulse may become imperceptible, the extremities may become cold, and the patient may pass into coma.
  • On physical exam, he has splenomegaly and redness and warmth over his extremities.
  • Look for any sign of blueness at extremities that would indicate restricted circulation.
  • But in contrast to his fat torso and upper extremities were his two little toothpick legs.
  • Skirting the extremities of the hills that locked the Valley of Lions, they swung wide to the west.
  • His neck was a searing fountain of white-hot agony that radiated to the extremities of every limb.
  • Although his team had on bulletproof vests, they could still get hit in the head, neck, or extremities.
  • If we are really dying, let us hear the rattle in our throats and feel cold in the extremities; if we are alive, let us go about our business.