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extra-curricular - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of extra-curricular in Hindi

  • पाठ्येतर

extra-curricular Definition


  • (of an activity at a school or college) pursued in addition to the normal course of study.

extra-curricular Example

  • Remember the students that struggle academically and those who don't participate in extracurricular activities. ( उन छात्रों को याद रखें जो अकादमिक रूप से संघर्ष करते हैं और जो पाठ्येतर गतिविधियों में भाग नहीं लेते हैं। )
  • Children who attend traditional schools all day long have to fit extracurricular activities into their schedule at the end of the day, often when they are too tired to get much out of these activities. ( जो बच्चे दिन भर पारंपरिक स्कूलों में जाते हैं, उन्हें दिन के अंत में पाठ्येतर गतिविधियों को अपने कार्यक्रम में शामिल करना पड़ता है, अक्सर जब वे इन गतिविधियों से अधिक पाने के लिए बहुत थक जाते हैं। )
  • Teenagers' days are often filled with classes, extracurricular activities, and studying. ( किशोरों के दिन अक्सर कक्षाओं, पाठ्येतर गतिविधियों और अध्ययन से भरे होते हैं। )
  • You'll find information about classes and extracurricular activities on the website. ( आपको वेबसाइट पर कक्षाओं और पाठ्येतर गतिविधियों के बारे में जानकारी मिलेगी। )

More Sentence

  • There seems to be so many things that you 'should' do from extracurricular activities to studying to applying for colleges and the SAT that you might wonder why some teens get a part time job.
  • As with any extracurricular activity, you will need permission from your parents to begin modeling, in most cases at least.
  • Approach the process as an extracurricular activity that can pay big dividends.
  • Csoma teaches Hungarian as an extracurricular activity to the children of Arini.
  • Students at Ottumwa High School can participate in many extracurricular activities.
  • It helped that she had joined extracurricular activities while in school.
  • Extracurricular activities come under the jurisdiction of the Arkansas Activities Association.
  • During his tenure extracurricular activities of the college reached national level.
  • Most families lacked the money to get their children involved in extracurricular activities.
  • It's difficult to see extracurricular activities in a sentence .
  • Meanwhile, the college-bound kids need more extracurricular activities for college application.
  • Her extracurricular activities were listed as tennis and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
  • Make sure to send this note to peers, as well as teachers and adult and teen friends the teen knows through church, extracurricular activities, or volunteer work.
  • Bynes' exposure to her dad's extracurricular stand-up comedy routines may have been the inspiration for Amanda's break into the big time.
  • To keep her youthful appearance, Dickinson has engaged in some extracurricular plastic surgeries.
  • Frostburg has a vibrant scene of community involvement and encourages its students to join extracurricular activities and take an active part in events on campus.