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explain - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of explain in Hindi


  • समझाना
  • व्याख्या करना
  • स्पष्ट करना
  • कारण बताना
  • प्रतिपादन करना
  • सफ़ाई देना
  • अर्थ बताना
  • स्पष्टीकरण देना
  • कैफियत देना

explain Definition


  • make (an idea, situation, or problem) clear to someone by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts or ideas.

explain Example

  • she had tried to explain about Adam, hadn't she? ( उसने आदम के बारे में समझाने की कोशिश की थी, है ना? )
  • he makes athletes explain why they made a mistake ( वह एथलीटों को समझाता है कि उन्होंने गलती क्यों की )
  • they know stories about me that I can't explain away ( वे मेरे बारे में ऐसी कहानियाँ जानते हैं जिन्हें मैं समझा नहीं सकता )
  • Let him explain all of it to his mother. ( वह अपनी मां को यह सब समझाएं। )

More Sentence

  • There are three small rooms upstairs but we'll explain about them later.
  • He didn't have to explain how accusing his opponent would be perceived, especially after their acrimonious debate.
  • Didn't I explain to you?
  • Neither tried to explain their answers.
  • Nothing could explain the sadness she felt at that discovery.
  • It is always: "Oh, Miss Sullivan, please come and tell us what Helen means," or "Miss Sullivan, won't you please explain this to Helen?
  • It was hard to explain how her beauty was different than so many others, but it was.
  • I tried to think of the best way to explain my feelings.
  • She so wanted a word from him that would explain to her what had happened and to which she could find no answer.
  • Callie found it necessary to explain her blackened eye
  • this would explain why so many adult children still live with their parents