exertion - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of exertion in Hindi
exertion Definition
- physical or mental effort.
- the application of a force, influence, or quality.
exertion Example
- she was panting with the exertion ( वह परिश्रम के साथ हांफ रही थी )
- His face blazed red from exertion, his eyes glowing brightly. ( परिश्रम से उसका चेहरा लाल हो गया, उसकी आँखें चमक उठीं। )
- Her face was flushed from exertion and anger. ( उसका चेहरा परिश्रम और क्रोध से तमतमा उठा था। )
- Talon's flush grew darker beneath the red of exertion on his face. ( टैलोन की लाली उसके चेहरे पर लाल रंग की लाली के नीचे गहरी हो गई थी। )
More Sentence
- I had asthma, which made hard exertion difficult.
- Fatigue from physical exertion is a predisposing cause of heat-stroke, and constipation and alcoholic indulgence should be avoided.
- Meantime, no exertion must be spared, and no means left untried, to make our position known.
- Exhausted from the exertion, he'll fall back asleep.
- Lopez's exertions to cut costs were legendary in Detroit.
- Physical exertion has never been high on my list of priorities.
- It's been tennis-court exertion at 100 degrees.
- The pumping was an enormous exertion for the diminished men.
- This trip had required more exertion than he had anticipated.
- Only carry back to camp what you can manage without exertion.
- Watching all this exertion was thirsty work, and the old man.
- Although panting from exertion, his voice was deceptively soft.
- He felt his body ache from all the exertion of the night before.
- The violence of the exertion cast the young Mohican at his side.
- Wearied with his unusual exertion, the old man now dropped off to.
- Thomas sat back against it himself, panting from exertion, thinking.
- Surprise, surprise, I'd never enjoyed physical exertion.
- The hours of exertion had taken a toll, he said.
- Software supplied with the watches can create elaborate charts of exertions.
- It turned out, Lewis aggravated an illness due to exertion.
- It's difficult to see exertion in a sentence .
- The exertion causes a mild heart attack and they return home.
- From that time he was practically minister of foreign affairs, for Prince Gorchakov was no longer capable of continued intellectual exertion, and lived mostly abroad.
- Relaxation Exercises belly breathing: This exercise reminds students to breathe instead of holding their breath during focused mental activity or physical exertion.
- The original Borg scale of perceived exertion has been modified.
- For the first couple of days you should try to avoid unnecessary physical exertion.
- the exertion of authority